Meeting p.1

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Sorry guys I lost my obsession with Tetchou...
But I'm going to update this regardless. 😭🙏

I doubt I'll have any energy to proof-read this...

Requested 🎀😍

"Cmon pleaseee!"
Tetchou pleads with his hands together, squeezed tightly together.
You let out a heavy sigh.
"Fine, let me get ready at the very least."
Tetchou smiles from ear to ear. He jumps eagerly, and you can feel the little quakes. The brunettes a big man, a gentle giant.

Today, Tetchou and you, (his girlfriend) are going to meet the other hunting dogs. Tetchou is quite eager for this meet, he even arranged everything for the hunting dogs themselves.
He reserved a small hotel, and well.. who knows. As of now, you are getting ready.

You head upstairs and to your room, even if Tetchou and you are dating you still have separate rooms. (Not for long.)

1st person perspective from now on.

I get ready quickly, I pick out a casual outfit and put some lip balm on.

What's the point of lip balm anyways?  Like yes, I enjoy my lips smelling like strawberries but isn't that mostly for if you planing to kiss someone?

I shrug, doesn't matter. I run downstairs and see Tetchou sitting down on the newly furnished couch we purchased, pretty neat. He's so sophisticated for no reason. 

"Hey Tetchou."

Tetchou turn to me and eyes me down, which I get slightly embarrassed.

Am I wearing something backwards?

Tetchou gets up he walks towards me. I keep my gaze on him. He interlocks my palm with his and smiles.

"Are you ready m'lady?"

My cheeks turn into a bright pink, I turn my head away from his gaze and nod.


Tetchou leads me to an expensive looking hotel, in which I'm surprised he is able to purchase one.

"This way."

He continues to hold my hand and leads me to a small group of people.
3 Men and a.. young lady.

The young lady had maroon colored hair in a side pony-tail that curls at the end, with piercing bright pink eyes. She's the shortest, and the loudest.

She's yelling at a white hairs man with red tips at the end of them, his eyes are closed, and then another taller man who already has grey hair, I don't like older men anyways. I won't bother observing his looks.

"Hey guys!"
Tetchou yells to the group.
"What's got you so hyped up?"
The pink haired asks.

"Ah, as for that meet her!"

Tetchou pulls me right in front of him and I'm facing the hunting dogs.

"Ooo! Where did you find her?"
The pink haired comes closer and examines me.

"Tetchou, is this the girl you've been talking about non stop?"
The white haired asks.
My eyes bolt right to Tetchou who's is clearly embarrassed,
"Well u-"
Before he can finish, a spiked ginger yells to the group
"Cmon guys! I'm done with the paperwork!"

The whole group goes over to the hotel, my hand is interlaced with Tetchou's as we walk over to the ginger.

"Oh? New girlfriend Tetchou?"

Tetchou just chuckles, although I can see his cheeks are flushed.

"So.. what's your name?"
The ginger asks.

"Hm? Oh Y/n."

"Oh? Y/n? Well I have to say, Tetchou has been talking about you non-stop."

I let out an embarrassed chuckle.

"By the way, you can call me Tachihara, the white haired is Jouno, the loud ass is Teruko, and the grey-haired grandpa is Fukuchi."

I nod, and see marooned hair yelling at Tachihara.

"Alright alright, let's go head in the hotel guys, I rather tired."
Fukuchi exclaims, on top of all the yelling being done by Teruko.


P.2 later because my motivation is gone.

Dawg I'm so sad I can't even write fanfics on Tetchou because my obsession is gone 😞💔

Well, please recommend other bsd characters you'd like me to write for.
😭 sorry guys I'm so sorry.

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