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Today was an important meeting. I woke up early hit the gym took a cold shower, decked up in my business suit then went down to have my breakfast. while descending the stairs my eyes went toward my siblings who were busy in their bickering as usual.

"Ahem", I cleared my throat to get their attention which I successfully got. Just as they heard my voice they came quietly and took their seat at the dining table.

When all settled down at the dining table breakfast was served we all had our breakfast as usual in silence only sound that could be heard was of the cutlery.

After having breakfast I headed towards the restaurant where the was supposed to be held. After few minutes the car stopped in front of the restaurant. While entering my attention was attracted towards my pa who was telling me something about the meeting . Suddenly someone collied with me on top of that spilled coffee on my suit.

I guess whoever this person is has really got a death wish today. On lifting my eye to look for the culprit .

My eyes met with the worlds most beautiful pair of dark brown orbs. She had black silky wavy hip length hair which was barely tied into a small clutcher, small nose ring enhancing her beauty more, consisting of pink soft petals like lips, small mole on the left side under the lip. She was wearing kurti with jeans. I felt as if I was getting drowned in her orbs.

Her face was having a slight horrified feeling. I came out of my thought after a while and i was fuming in anger, my guards along with my p.a. were terrified as they were well aware of what was coming next. The very next moment I lashed out at the girl who was standing infront of me hold the empty coffee cup.

{"Obviously khali hi to hoga puri coffee to tumhare suit ko jo pila diya usne", my subconscious mind mocked at me}

But to my surprise she replied back to me in the same tone which i used a while ago. I was left awestruck. This was the first time someone spoke to me like that. She is not some ordinary girl.

Meri Sherni.

Indeed she is my tigress.

She will be the one who is going to rule on the person who rules on other person.

But wait meri sherni ka naam hain kya....

Just then one of the guy who were standing behind spoke in between telling her to keep quite and thats when I got to know her name...


"Aarav ki Maanvi"

I was about to reply thats when my p.a. Daksh decided to interrupt by informing me about the meeting for which i came here. So we left but somewhere deep down in my heart it was waiting eagerly to meet her very soon. 

Leaving them behing I proceeded . i could hear one of her friend was trying to calm her down.

 Everyone stood up as I entered the meeting room, fear was clearly visible on everones face except those two idiots who were none other than my best friends Ritvik Saxena nad Aakash Saxena. Yes we would be working together for our upcoming project. I usually prefer to keep my professional and personal life separate.

Soon the deal was confirmed. one by one everyone started to leave but Ritvik and Aakash were still standing there as if they were going to tell some.

"Tell what are you thinking", I said to them maintaing my straight cold face.

"Aarav I want you to meet our sister before finally confirming this",  said Ritvik.

Yes I know they just help her sister in attending meeting during her absence. They have there own company.

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