Movie Date

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König glanced at the new recruit curiously from across the room, tilting his head. However, he looked away swiftly when he thought he had been caught staring.
Hii König

"H..." He muttered quietly and looked away, embarrassed as he had been caught. He took a breath, trying to hide his nerves, but his heart wouldn't stop racing. He seemed hesitant to say anything more, but he found himself wanting to talk to her, even if his heart was pounding. He looked up at her with a small smile, still shy.

" I wanted to a-ask you if you-u wanted to watch a movie ton-night ?" I sat stuttering while blushing

"Uh," He stammered and his heart continued racing as he tried to gather his thoughts. He gulped, his anxiety only increasing with the prospect of watching a movie with this gorgeous woman. He wanted to say yes, but he was afraid of messing things up and losing his chance. After a moment, he finally mustered up the courage to speak again, "Sure, I'd love to."

"Gre-great, ill see you there at 6?"

"Six, got it," He replied with an affirming nod of his head. The thought of seeing her later filled his stomach with butterflies as his nerves continued to ramp up. He hadn't been on a date in over two years. The mere thought of being alone with this gorgeous woman had him trembling with nerves. He tried to keep a calm expression but he couldn't control his racing heart.

As the day drew to an end and 6pm rolled around, his nerves had been escalating up until this point. He had made sure to wear his nicest set of clothes, and he had even gotten a haircut that morning. However, as he approached her door, his nerves peaked. He was afraid he would mess this date up or that he would somehow lose his chance with this beautiful woman. His heart was pounding so fast that he felt as if it would burst out of his chest. He took a deep, shaky breath and knocked on her door.

I open the door, wearing the nicest and comfiest set of clothes I own. " I hope you're OK with eating chicken nuggets and chips while we watch the movie." I sat smiling at him

He smiled widely at her as she opened the door, looking absolutely stunning in that casual outfit she put together. As she spoke, his nerves began to subside, and he was filled with a sense of excitement that he wasn't sure he would find someone who shared his interests. Looking at her warm smile, he nodded his head in agreement, his heart still pounding. "That sounds perfect," he said softly.

"Great," I say happily. " Do you wanna wat h an animation or something like Top Gun?"

"An animation sounds great," he replied excitedly and with a nod of his head. He had liked animation but hadn't been able to watch much since joining the military. It was nice to have an opportunity to sit back and relax, especially with such an amazing woman, and he was eager to see what she would put on. "I'll leave the choice up to you."

" Okay, great," I say happily. I lived watching animations, though people called me childish for watching it. "Are you OK with watching Madagascar 3?"

"Madagascar 3? I love that movie!" He exclaimed happily, his nerves starting to calm down with his excitement. This was going to be a great date he was sure of it, and she had even picked a movie he enjoyed. Now if only he could get himself to relax...

"Great let's watch it"

With that, the two entered and sat down at the couch, beginning Madagascar 3 as they each settled in. The room was dark with the exception of a dim lamp, and the sound of the movie filled the room. Their bodies were close to one another, with him just slightly closer to the tv than her, and he couldn't help but feel his heart pounding out of his chest as he kept stealing glances at the gorgeous woman next to him.

I slowly lean into König hoping he wouldn't mind me laying on his chest

A shiver went down his spine as his heart skipped a beat when she leaned in and laid her head near his chest. It felt like every fiber of his being was buzzing with her so close. He slowly brought his arm around her and placed it on her shoulder to pull her in a little closer as he continued watching the movie. He noticed himself taking deep, shaky breaths as he tried to control his heartbeat which was beating like crazy next to her.

I reached for the popcorn slowly while trying not to move his hands off of me, I liked his hands on me. " Would you like some?" I ask him

"Hmm?" He glanced down at the popcorn in her hands, seemingly having forgotten that it was there. "Oh, yeah, sure," he replied softly as he glanced back at the screen, feeling a bit more relaxed. He had to admit, it was nice having a reason to keep his hands on her. Even if they were only on her shoulder right now, it felt nice having her so close and knowing that she seemed to be enjoying the moment as well.

I feel as if I'm going to fall asleep, hopefully König doesn't mind if I sleep on his chest on my bed.

The two of them continued watching the movie, though in their own little world as they were both feeling rather comfortable with one another. König couldn't help but notice just how close she was getting, and he didn't dare shift his body or move his hands in the event that she would become more alert and feel his heart pounding.

After a while, she grew even more comfortable and relaxed as her breathing grew more even, indicating that she may be getting close to falling asleep. She would be adorable if she fell asleep on his chest...

It just seemed like too perfect of a moment to interrupt, and he was so comfortable as things were that he didn't want to change a single thing. The thought of having her fall asleep on his chest made him smile a little and he looked down at her, gently running his hand through her hair as he made sure not to wake the beautiful woman up. He didn't mind one bit if it meant they stayed like this for a little while more.

Their bodies had grown even closer as she leaned in more and her head was resting against the top of his chest. He had never experienced something so calming before, and he just couldn't get over how beautiful she was. Her dark hair had a shine to it that was captivating his eyes as her breathing got even more slowed and her grip on his shirt tightened slightly. He hoped he wouldn't wake her if he moved, but he didn't know what else he could do when she had him captured like this...

I finally fall asleep hoping that König would cuddle withand sleep with me

He sighed softly as her body fell limpid with her weight resting on his chest. His eyes had been watching her every move and the slow pattern of her breathing but they were also starting to grow heavy as well. He didn't want to move a single inch though, not with how peaceful this moment felt. He began to caress her softly, his touch as gentle as her breathing as he hoped this night would never end, that she would never wake...

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