Chapter One-How the mighty have fallen

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Under a starry night, where the full moon shone so gracefully, the moonlight splattered across the concrete and debris just like any other ordinary night. Except that this night wasn't as ordinary as the previous ones; in fact, it was a world-changing one, one that marks the day humanity, the one who was once the top of the food chain, had fallen ungracefully to the depths of hell. 

Flipped cars, burnt-out street lights that looked like they were bent forcefully with the handprints engraved onto the metal, spiderweb-like cracks on the concrete road, and most importantly, splattered blood everywhere. Blood, leftover limbs that were spared from the vampire's devour... And yet, no one could do anything but wait for their doom either hidden inside their houses or taking their last stroll around their neighbourhood. Whatever they did wouldn't stop the inevitable from happening. 

Even so, a persistent man in a black suit and small suitcase strode along the road with his wife and a newborn baby still wrapped in a cloth and sucking on a pacifier. The man followed his family at the back, protecting them from any dangers lurking behind while ushering her to walk faster with subtle pushes. There was fear and worry flickering in his eyes as he surveyed the area, especially the darker alleyways, preparing himself for anything to jump out. A vampire, a bitten human, anything. 

'Are we there yet...' His wife whispered fearfully, daring to take a peek at behind while suppressing a shiver down her spine. The man couldn't bear to look at the miserable faces on his family. He failed to protect their mentality, so the only thing he could do was protect their physical selves.  

'Eyes on front, darling. We can make it.' 

He gave a brief hug to her as warmth travelled through the united family. It was reassurance that there was still hope for humanity, however slim of a chance it was. 


The rustled bin toppled over, creating a disturbingly reverberating bang. The family were so startled, they stopped in their tracks and turned their heads, imagining the worst. And it was as if God himself had randomly granted for their imagination to turn to reality. 

The moonlight, like feathers, softly carpeted the empty streets with run-down stores, highlighting the silhouette of an infected, bitten human. He had a deranged face with black veins spreading out all over his face. Some were faint like a shadow, others were dark like ink, like the pitch black night sky. Even his stance was inhumane. His legs were bent inwards, his fingers were crooked in ways it shouldn't be possible, his right arm was dislocated and simply flung around uselessly, and his mouth was gaped open, a single drool leaving from the corner of his lips. 

Vampires had evaded the human civilisation, taking the military by surprise, as creatures no one had ever witnessed before suddenly charged into the peaceful neighbourhood, savouring every last drop of human blood with an evil grin on their pale faces. At least, that was what they were doing before true havoc was wreaked in the country. Bullets didn't work on them as they simply bounced off their sleek, glowing skin, nor did swords; and so, the mightiest tanks, guns and swordsmen were all rendered useless in face of this newly-discovered creature, not to mention the dark streets, putting the military into a dilemma, for they were unable to blindly utilise all their weapons in fear of massacring innocent civilians. 

Everyone was sure of their coming death as scratched victims were soon infected within 5 minutes, robbing them of their humanity and sanity. One infected another, and soon they were not only battling unknown Vampires, but also amongst themselves. And the man knew, they had to face the same tragedy with this 'human vampire' 

He was searching around the bin for any leftover food. One thing about these infected humans is that they seemed to stick to what they spent their whole life doing when they were infected. In this case, he was most likely a beggar before his doom. When he turned into a particular angle where the moonlight could completely hit his face, the family was met with a shocking discovery: 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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