Cody gets kidnapped (REAL)

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(Geoff "legally" breaks down Cody's door and snatches him)

since he won and split the money with Brody in Ridonculous Race, Both surfer dudes decided to gather them together and have a party.


He was sitting in the back of the car tied up in a car seat.

Cody: GEOFF?!

Geoff: He lil dude! Ready to party?!

Cody: oh party? okay!

He calmed down and relaxed in his car seat, Geoff turned and looked at him.

Geoff: You are fine with having Noah over right?

Cody [shrugs]: sure!

Geoff: how about Sier-

Cody: Get me out of this car.

Geoff [sighs]: nope

Cody frowns and crosses his arms

Cody: Fuck you.

[They arrived at the house and Cody clinging onto his car seat fearing to see Sierra,

Geoff trying to pull him out of the car seat]

Geoff: Come on!! Dude! It'll be fine! I will set boundaries between the two you guys just come with us to the party!!

Cody: NO! NOOO!!!!!

He finally pulled the car seat out of the car with Cody still in it and dragged to the house

Bridgette: You didn't have to force him to come, right?

Geoff [frowning]: But I wanted to bring him along

Bridgette rolls her eyes, taking Cody out of the car seat and back onto his feet. He looked around, No sierra. He was okay, so far

Cody: Where are the others?

Bridgette: they're outside right now, Heck knows what they're doing or smh-

The 3 walk to the backyard, Trent and Justin are chatting in the pool as a couple of others are partying and Noah is reading a book on the side, Izzy tries climbing the umbrella beside Noah and falls, Eva catching her.

Noah [putting the book down]: Hey Cody.

Geoff: Guys! How about we play a game?

Courtney: How are we just fine with this... I mean, He LITERALLY kidnapped us.

Cody, Tyler, & Bridgette: I'm in

Geoff: Alright, whoever wants to play go to the kitchen!

Courtney: Hello?! Did anyone just-

Gwen: Stop talking in the most kind way ever.

Courtney: But-!

She puts a finger in front of her lips, Shushing her

Courtney: get your finger away from me, Boyfriend kisser...

Noah: I'm surprised Ms. "C.I.T" hasn't got over her baby problems

Passing by the two, and entering the kitchen, both Gwen and Courtney frown following along.

Geoff: alright chat, who is ready?

Duncan: What are we playing?

Heather: Just don't let it be any baby games like truth or dare

Geoff: That's a great idea, Heather!

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