Chapter 27

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Lily POV
2 weeks later...
Today is the day Clint and I are getting married. We found Bruce and he is coming with Nat. Tony will be coming with Pepper and I am having her as my brides maid also. My mother and father are here with the girls and Daphne.
"Lily today is the day" said Nat.
"I know Nat and how are the boys doing?" I asked.
"They are all getting ready" she said and she did my hair and Pepper did my make up.
Knock! Knock! Goes my dressing room door.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Your dad" said my dad and Nat opened it.
"Wow you look beautiful" he said and smiled.
"Thanks dad" I said and got up to go.
"Are your ready" said dad and I nodded.
The Winx went up with Nat and Pepper. Then the boys.
"Here we go" I said.
My dad put his arm out and I took it. We walked down and we made it to the end.
At te end...
"Do you Clinton Barton take Lilliana Sparks to be your lovely wedded wife"
"I do"
"And do you Lilliana Sparks take Clinton Barton to be your lovely wedded husband"
"I do"
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" he said and me and Clint kissed.
At the after party...
It was the after party and I sat next to Clint.
It was a father daughter dance up and I went to the dance floor. After the dance it was mine and Clint's dance.
"I love you" he said.
"I love you too" I said and we kept dancing.
"Congrats you two" said Bruce.
"Thanks Bruce and where did you go after the whole Ultron thing?" I asked.
"Oh I landed in Hawaii" he said.
"Oh cool" I said and we all went home.

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