SaiRat OS Bound with me

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This OS is based on the episode where Sai passed her entrance exam and got her scholarship. She wants to move out and Virat is stopping her.

SaiRat OS    Bound with me.

"Usha maushi, Aai, Shivani bua, Karishma where is everyone?" A very excited Sai walked in the Chavan house with a box of sweets in her hands. Everyone came out of their rooms hearing her voice. Sai almost jumped on Ashwini as soon as she saw her and hugged her tightly.

"Balaa, what happened? You look so happy." Ashwini asked while caressing her face affectionately.

"Aai, I told you about my results right?" Sai replied.

"Yes, how anyone of us can forget that. You have made whole Chavan clan proud by doing top in whole state." Ashwini replied while throwing a meaningful glance at Bhawani.

"Rigth Aai and because of that I have got admission in best medical college today and that too on 100% scholarship." Sai shared her good news.

"Wow! It calls for celebration. I will make your favorite shrikhand puri in dinner today." Ashwini said as she hugged Sai. While Bhawani, Ninad and Omi, Pakhi showed as they dont have any interest in anything related to Sai forget about celebrating her achievements.

"Thank you Aai, thats so sweet of you but thats not the reason for my excitement. More than the result and admission I am happy because of 100% scholarship the college management has offered me free hostel accommodation. That means I dont have to pay any money for my education. I can shift in hostel as soon as possible. Aai, now I wont be a burden on anyone." Sai shared the real reason for her excitement.

But hearing that Ashwini become sad while Bhawani and gang smiled for the first time because of Sai as they got a chance to get rid of her.

"Balaa, what are you saying? You are Virat's wife , part of our family, not a burden on us." Ashwini shared her views.

"I know Aai, You have accepted me whole heartedly but I can see some people here still have problems with me...probably they will never accept me. I will always be jungli mulgi or immature bachhi for them." Sai said looking at Bhawani kaku and Pakhi. "So its better that I should shift in the hostel immediately. Virat sir has already done enough for me. I dont want to trouble him or you anymore." Sai completed her sentence.

"Balaa....but...." Ashwini again tried to make her understand but Sai didn't let her complete, "Aai, I know you consider me as your daughter but please try to understand neither I will be happy here nor the other family members. So its better I should go. "Sai replied and went into her room to pack her bags for shifting.

Ashwini just kept standing there shocked by Sai's decision while Usha maushi ran after her to convince her to change her decision.

"Sai, what are you doing? What purpose it will solve if you shift in hostel? You will be at your own for everything. All the villagers got you married to Virat sir so that he can be with you and you will get a family again." Usha maushi reasoned.

"Enough maushi! You and rest of the villagers got rid of your responsibility for me and got me married to Virat sir even after knowing that no one of us was willing for it. That time I had lost my Aaba and was not in right frame of mind so you people didnt listen to me. But now I have got admission in medical college and I can clearly see my goal in life and the bonus is that now I don't have to depend on Virat sir for anything then what is the need to live here? You yourself has seen in these past few days that apart from Aai how this family never leaves any chance to insult me then why should I stay here." Sai replied with brutal honesty like always and Usha maushi didn't have anything to say. Sai kept packing her bags.

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