Part 1

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Baku Pov:

"Bakugo!" I was woken up suddenly by yelling. "Do not sleep in my class! You know the rules. This is the third time this week, so I'm giving you an extra assignment." I groaned in response. "Do you understand?" The teacher asked. I nodded tiredly. If my noisy neighbors would quiet down, maybe I could get some sleep. I swear their moans shake the walls.

"Right! Back to what I was saying. A manufacturing company produces two types of gadgets, Type A and Type B. Type A gadgets require 4 hours of assembly time and 2 hours of testing time, while Type B gadgets require 3 hours of assembly time and 3 hours of testing time. The company has a total of 80 hours available for assembly and 60 hours available for testing each week. If Type A gadgets generate a profit of $50 each and Type B gadgets generate a profit of $60 each, how many gadgets of each type should the company produce each week to maximize its profit?" What kind of question is that? I looked around the room, and everyone seemed to be struggling with it.

"Kaminari?" Dunce Face? "The company should produce 12 Type A gadgets and 16 Type B gadgets each week to maximize its profit, yielding a total profit of $1,520." He said. There's no way that's corr—"Correct. Would you like to explain it to us on the board?" The teacher asked. "Sure." Dunce Face walked up to the board and grabbed the chalk. "Let x be the number of Type A gadgets produced and y be the number of Type B gadgets produced per week. The objective function, representing the total profit, is given by: P(x,y)=50x+60y. Subject to the constraints: 4x + 3y ≤ 80 (Assembly time constraint), 2x + 3y ≤ 60 (Testing time constraint), x , y ≥ 0 (Non-negativity constraint)." He took a breath, then continued. "To solve this linear programming problem, we can use methods such as graphical methods, simplex methods, or any optimization solver. Upon solving, the optimal solution is found to be x=12 and y=16. Therefore, the company should produce 12 Type A gadgets and 16 Type B gadgets each week to maximize its profit, yielding a total profit of $1,520." He finished and put the chalk down. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was shocked. Dunce Face solved a super hard math problem that no one else could? I must still be dreaming.

'Rinnnnnng' "Oh, that's the bell. I'll see you guys next week! Bakugo, I would like to speak with you." I sighed and gathered my stuff, then walked up to his desk in the front of the class. "Let's get this over with," I grunted. "If you don't get a good grade on the assignment I'm going to give you, you will fail this class and have to retake it. Which would be a shame because all your friends have passed my class so far. Do you understand?" He asked. Redo the year? Hell no. "What's the assignment?" I said. He handed me a small packet of paper. "What the hell is this?" "Read it."

**Assignment Resume: Exploring Themes of Identity in "The Catcher in the Rye"**

**Objective:** Critically analyze the theme of identity in J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye," employing textual evidence.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me," I whispered, a mixture of frustration and disbelief evident in my tone. "It's due in two weeks, so you have one week to complete it. And if you don't hand it in, I will fail you myself. And I suggest you work hard on it. If you get anything under a 90, I will also fail you," the teacher's words echoed in my mind as I shoved the packet into my bag and stormed off.

"Yo! Bakubro! What took you so long?" I looked up to see Shitty Hair yelling with the squad I call my friends, which consists of Pinky, Soy Sauce, Dunce Face, and Shitty Hair. "Stupid teacher gave me a damn extra assignment because apparently, I'm failing," I explained as we walked.

"Damn, that sucks, man. What do you have to do?" Dunce asked.

"Read a book and then write about it," I grumbled, pulling out the packet again.

"What book?" Pinky chimed in.

"The Catcher in the Rye by some guy named J.D. Salinger," I replied dismissively. "Anyways, why are you all interrogating me? You should be interrogating Dunce. He got smart out of nowhere."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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