A Loss but Yet a Gain (DawnxPaul)

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Dawn sat on the docks, still wearing her night blue swing dress that sparkled as the sunset shined on it. She had lost to May in the Hoenn Festival and was feeling disappointed. She curled up, putting her head on her legs.

"Well look who it is," a voice sliced through the silence.

"Don't tell me," Dawn groaned, looking over to see if her assumption was correct," What do you need Paul?"

"Mmpf! I came here to tell you that we have to leave early tomorrow. I want to try to make it for a tournament they're having," he stated in his normal no-nonsense way.

"Give me some space! I just lost the festival!" Dawn snapped, glaring at Paul.

"Whatever," Paul commented.

Dawn half expected him to leave but to her surprise, he just sat right next to her.

"It stinks losing, doesn't it?" he stated, staring out at the sea.

"I've lost before but this time...I really thought I had it!" Dawn sighed as leaned on her knees, looking over at him.

"Well, they don't call what's-her-name, the princess of Hoenn for nothing," Paul commented," her Beautifly was incredibly strong and elegant at the same time!"

"Her name is May, and yes! I know how good her Beautifly is," Dawn groaned, not sure if Paul was making it better or not.

The two of them sat in silence before Paul spoke again.

"Anyways, at least you learn as you fail," Paul spoke, as he stretched his arms," I mean failing is what helps you see where you lack,"

Dawn looked at Paul and smiled.

"That is weird hearing you say," Dawn smirked.

"Which is why I don't say it often," Paul stated then slightly blushed," I mean...we are friends right?"

Dawn blushed at the thought of being friends with Paul but he wasn't wrong. This was the second region they had been traveling together.

"We would be considered friends...right?" Dawn mused to herself, tightening her grip around her legs.

"Thanks, Paul," Dawn quietly spoke as she looked over at him.

"No worries," Paul slightly smiled as he stared back at her then placed his hand on hers.

The two stared at each other and it was as if the whole world froze as the sunset rays reflected off the ocean. They slowly moved closer to each other until their lips touched. Paul tightened his grip on her hand as he held it. After a moment Paul pulled away and abruptly stood up.
"Anyways! Remember! Leaving around 6 in the morning!" he declared, trying to run off.

But alas, he didn't realize what way he was going and before Dawn could say anything he had walked right off the deck right into the ocean.

"Paul!" she screamed after him but misplaced her hand and came tumbling right after him, into the water.

After gasping for air, the two of them quickly started treading water and could only look at each other and laugh. As they tried staying afloat, the two of them could only feel content as they both watched the sunset slowly disappear on the horizon. Anticipating to see what the future had in store for them. 

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