Harper snaps out of her sleep in the middle of the night. She sits up slowly and checks the time on her phone.
What even happened? she thinks. Archie's smug look pops up in her mind, and she is abruptly reminded about the event that took place a few hours ago. She winces at the thought and unconsciously goes to Hayden's bedroom.
As Harper enters the room she debates on whether she should stay with him or not. She realizes she's too overwhelmed by her thoughts to be alone.
Harper crawls into the covers beside Hayden. As Harper moves to hug Hayden, Hayden notices and hazily opens his eyes, seeing Harper beside him.
"What are you doing here, Harpie?" he mutters groggily. Harper wraps her arms around his torso, "Can I stay with you tonight?" she asks softly. Hayden gives a slight nod and hugs Harper back, placing his chin on her head.
It's 6 in the morning, Harper observes Hayden clicking on his phone. Hayden turns to her, "Did you sleep well?" he asks tenderly while grinning at her. Harper nods, rubbing her eyes. She sits up, "Are you gonna get ready to visit Dad?" she questions. "Yeah, in a bit. You go and get ready, god knows how long you'll take today." Hayden replies, teasingly.
Harper shoots a quick smile and takes herself off the bed, progressing to her room. She freshens up; changes into an oversized cream-coloured turtle neck, brown cargo pants and wraps a woollen scarf around her neck. She makes her way to the living room and sees Archie watching television. "Good morning, princess."
"Stop calling me that. It's annoying." Harper snaps.
"Woah there, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." He comments, smirking.
Before Archie could continue, Hayden interrupts their bickering, "Come on Harpie, we have to go." Harper spares Archie a glance before following Hayden. "Bye bye princ-" Archie is interrupted by Harper slamming the door.
"He's SO annoying! A day without Archie in my life could change everything." Harper remarks and Hayden frowns at this. "Don't say that about him, Harpie. Come on." He adds, placing gentle hands on her shoulders lightly, steering toward the sidewalk.
As they walk, Harper is lost in thought about last night's events.
"We're here," Hayden utters. Harper walks towards her father's grave with Hayden following close behind.
"Hi Dad," Harper says smiling, kneeling in front of the tombstone. "I started high school yesterday. I hope you're happy about it." She voices, placing fresh flowers on his grave. Hydrangeas, dad's favourite. The colourful petals of the flower pop out in the gloomy place.
Hayden has his monthly talk with his father. While Harper is immersed in her thoughts, she recalls her mother boasting about Archie and the immense sadness she felt. She felt that enough was enough, this had been happening since 4 years ago. Being done trying to get her mother's approval, Harper realizes it isn't worth it.
Hayden finishes chatting, "Harpie, let's go."
"I'll be going later."
Hayden looks at her with concern. "Something wrong?"
"Nothing. I just... need some time alone. And without Archie and Mother breathing down my neck 24/7."
"Okay Happy- I mean Harpie. Don't take too long."
"I won't, I promise." Harper smiles. Hayden took his leave. And now, all that was there was Harper, her father, and her thoughts.

What Remains
Mystery / ThrillerOn the day her sweet sixteenth, something feels... off. Harper Ernest has spent her life being compared to her older brother and cast aside by a mother who barely looks at her. But when a strange occurrence makes her question everything she thought...