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The first window for Harper's revolt was there, handed to her on a silver plate. Anyone who knew Harper would know that she wasn't one for parties. But she had to be now. Anyhow, she couldn't afford to lose an opportunity like this. 

"Yeah, I'm up for it," Harper states, glancing at Scarlett. 

Scarlett looks at Harper, flabbergasted. She knew her best friend well enough to argue that Harper wasn't a huge fan of parties. "Yeah, I'll go too. Text me the details." 

 As Abigail and Scarlett exchange numbers, Ryogi declares, "I'm free tonight, I'll go too." 

Abigail beams at them. "Great! I'll send the address to Scarlett and she can send it to you too, right?"
She looks at Scarlett while voicing the last part. Scarlett nods, turning to the other two as Abigail takes her leave. 

"So we're all going?" Scarlett questions. Harper nods, "Yeah I gue- Wait, did she say when she'll be expecting us?" Scarlett furrowed her brows, "No, she didn't." 

"Well, I guess we'll have to text her because she's gone," Ryogi states while shrugging, after looking behind Scarlett's shoulder. 

"I think I have Biology with her, next period. I'll ask her," Harper states. "Great, I'll see you guys then." Ryogi then turns to Scarlett, "Don't forget to send me the address," he reminds and bids the two goodbyes, advancing to his next class. 

Just as Scarlett was about to say something, the bell rang. Scarlett smiles unhappily as the two take their leave. 

 1:20 PM 

Harper was worn out. The previous classes were just tedious hours spent making endless scribbles of information that were going in from one ear and out from the other. She couldn't zero in on the lessons being taught, no matter how much she tried. She knew that she would suffer because of this in the long run. 

 Not to mention, her skirt was riding up every 5 minutes. 

Ryogi, who was seated beside her, caught sight of Harper pulling her skirt down. He looked at her, seeing the frustration and discomfort sketched on her face. "If you feel uneasy wearing that, why did you choose to?" He questioned with his brows knitted. 

"What is it to you, Ryogi?" Harper responded in a bored manner.

"Geez, I'm just asking," He says, raising his hands in mock surrender. He pulls his jacket off, glancing at the teacher, and places it on Harper's legs swiftly while the teacher isn't looking. 

 Harper raises her brow questioningly and opens her mouth to say something. Ryogi raises his hand, silencing her. 

"Keep it. You can give it back at the party," he smiles lightly right before concentrating on the teacher again. 

"Thank you," Harper mumbles, getting a nod of acknowledgment in return. 

He's not so bad. 

3:27 PM 

Harper walks over to Archie's car, Ryogi's jacket draped over her shoulders. 

"What took you so long?" Archie asks in annoyance as Harper gets seated in the car. Harper shrugs, placing the jacket on her lap. She gets a glimpse of Archie eyeing it. 

"Who's is that?" He asks sharply, focusing his gaze on the road ahead of him."Scarlett's." Harper voices quickly but simply.Before Archie could say anything, a buzz emitted from Harper's phone. It was Scarlett. 

"Hey Harp, the party's at midnight, probably gonna last until like 4."

Another text stated the address. 

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