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I can't believe I'm even wasting my time writing about those insufferable lovebirds, Europa and Ganymede

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I can't believe I'm even wasting my time writing about those insufferable lovebirds, Europa and Ganymede. Honestly, they make me want to hurl asteroids at their heads sometimes. The audacity of those two lovebirds is beyond infuriating. They strut around like they own the solar system, flaunting their so-called relationship while causing chaos wherever they go. It's enough to make me want to scream into the void of space not like anyone would hear me anyway.

First off, let's talk about Europa. She's always by Ganymede's side, agreeing with his every word and giving me that condescending look whenever I dare to challenge him. And don't even get me started on her demonic voice and glowing red eyes when she's angry. It's like dealing with a celestial nightmare.

But what really gets under my skin is how manipulative and ruthless Europa can be. She's the mastermind behind that whole debacle on the "Moon Revolution" and their attack on Earth. I mean, seriously? Convincing other moons and even planets to join their gang and wage war? It's despicable.

And then there's Ganymede, the self-proclaimed leader of the Galilean moons or that's what he calls himself. He's smug, cocky, and thinks he knows everything. He's always teasing and taunting, especially when it comes to Europa and his so-called "relationships." Calling her "babe" to somehow make their relationship tender. Well, let me tell you, if I hear him say it one more time I'll be the one pushing him out of his orbit and watching him dissolve into pieces with a smile on my face.

But what truly irks me about Ganymede is his vengeful streak. Refusing to accept Earth's apology and still ordering the attack? That's just plain petty. And don't even get me started on that malicious smile of his at the end of it all. It's like he's plotting something even more sinister.

I can't help but wonder what Jupiter sees in those two. Why he would affiliate himself with such troublemakers is beyond me. But then again, Jupiter has always been a bit oblivious to the chaos his moons cause, also forgetting half of his exist.

I may not be the biggest moon in the solar system, but mark my words, I won't let them push me around. The other planets may think I'm just a pipsqueak, but I'll show them all what I'm capable of.

Anyway, I suppose I should wrap up this rant before I lose my composure entirely. But mark my words, journal, those two won't get away with their antics for much longer. I'll make sure of it.

Yours infuriatedly,

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