VII : It's her or me

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I wake up suddenly as I feel Erina getting up, I turn on my side and immediately see her hips swaying from side to side. She still wears yesterday's clothes, only her hair has changed, it is tied in a high bun. I get up too, then join Tommy who was on the phone. My hands rub together to try to warm myself. Why did I give my jacket to the woman who tried to kill me yesterday? Mess.

"Yes... I understand Caro, but we're stuck... Please... No, I won't buy you 500g of weed... You've never had any! 180g? Come on, we're really in trouble... OK, we're going with 200g. When can you arrive?... OK. Kisses."

I approach my friend who looks really on edge. I sit next to him and wait. Who did he call? For what ? Will anyone come pick us up?

"How are you ?

—Yeah. I called Caroline, she should arrive shortly.

—Not very long?

—Tomorrow evening...

—Shit !" I'm pissed.

Tomorrow evening ? I really hope it's a joke... Tomorrow is way too late, I can't leave tomorrow. I take out my pack of Marlboro Red, light a cigarette then take a drag. I inhale the smoke and release it into the air. Tommy is about to go back to bed when Erina comes rushing in, her bag in hand.


—What ?

—There is a hotel a little further away. There's no way I'm sleeping here tonight.

—For what ? This cabin is good, and Caroline is coming to pick us up here tomorrow evening. Personally, I won't move.

—But I need someone! I can't go there alone.

—I do not see the problem.

—Ah good ? Do you want me to be raped and then slit? Tommy... I'm a woman. Alone. And what's more, she's a really good guy.

— OK, Arian just has to accompany you, we'll pick you up tomorrow."

I look at my friend, he's really stupid. He wants me to die? A night with her? Never. I now turn my head towards my target who seems determined. Her destructive gaze leers at me, as if she reads me like an open book. I raise my hands in the air to signal that I finally give up.

"All right ! I'm coming."

I pick up my leather jacket that she had placed on the ground, my pack of cigarettes, and I finally leave to die. I will absolutely have to learn to say "no". We walk along the road, slowly we finally reach the place. It's a small motel for truckers, the walls look dilapidated from a distance, but the closer you get, the more you notice that they are in better condition. It's a good sign.

"And I thought it was a feint to kill me." I whisper to my target as we turn towards reception.

"Don't rejoice too quickly."

The man greets us, feverishly, then we ask for the rooms. The man's face tenses, he must feel the electrical tension.

"I-he... We only have one room left." He said, chuckling.

"What ? You're going to give us two rooms! This fucking motel can't be full!" Erina gets angry.

"No no. Don't worry... (I look at his badge) Nate. My wife and I are going to make an effort. Huh, E dashur?"

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