Will things finally change just like how I wanted them to?

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{3rd POV}

Shouyo was passed out on his bed, curled up in his blankets. His head was practically buried in his covers. Shouyou starts to turn in his bed slightly. Shouyo's breathing started to pick up before he lurched forward in a panic. He grips at his hair harshly to try and calm down.

He calms after he finally knows where he is and sighs before glancing down at his clothes noticing he was covered in sweat. He grimaces at the wet feeling before getting out of bed and heading over to his bathroom, ignoring the photo on his desk.

After his shower, he comes back into his room for his school things and starts to put his volleyball bag together. He starts to head downstairs and put his things next to the door before heading into the kitchen where his Mom and little sister stand. His mom was seen making breakfast and his little sister was sitting at the table.

He comes up to his sister and kisses her on the head. "Good morning Natsu, Morning Mom." He mumbles tiredly even after having a shower. He rubs his eyes tiredly. He comes up behind his mom curious about what she was making.

He noticed that she was making Tamago Kake Gohan and smiled. He went over to the stove noticing that there were bentos on the counter. "What did you make for lunch?" He questions, looking at his mom before looking at the bentos. She smiles before opening his bento up and showing him.

It was a beef curry with vegetables on the side. "I can pack more if you need it for volleyball later tonight." She offers, finishing up breakfast and putting it on the table. Shouyo thinks for a moment before shaking his head no. Shouyo then sits down at the table next to Natsu.

"Thank you for the food." Shouyo mumbled quietly, bowing and then eating his food. Once Shouyo finishes he gets up washing his bowl and then putting it in the dishwasher. He then grabs his bento and shoves it into his bag by the door. Shouyo walks back over to them, giving them kisses and then putting his shoes on and grabbing his bag. "I'll see you guys after school!" He announces, waving bye to them Shouyou walks outside and grabs his bike.

{Shouyo's POV}

I head down to the mountain, occasionally checking the time to make sure I'm not late. I pause for a second to grab my headphones out of my pockets and put them in my ears. I put on a random playlist before biking down the mountain again. I get to the school and put my bike up quietly.

I head to the gym, noticing Kageyama but not saying, and continue to walk. I walk past him without him noticing me as usual. We have our first practice game with a team called Aobajohsai. I sigh before heading into the gym and grabbing a volleyball to warm up.

After a little while I notice people start to come in. Sugawara-sani and Daichi-sani both were warming up. Kageyama comes in a bit later, looking around for someone. I wonder who he is looking for. I thought before throwing up the ball and jumping and spiking, accidentally scaring both Sugawara-san and Kageyama. They both looked over to where I was.

"Sorry... Didn't mean to scare you." I apologized, nervously bowing my head. They both look over at me. Kageyama scowls before turning to the basket and grabbing a ball. Sugawara-san comes over to me smiling. "Hi Hinata-kun! What are you working on?" He questions, leaning forward a bit. I smile nervously before replying.

"I'm working on my serves so I don't mess for my first-ever practice game as a volleyball player..?" I answer nervously, unconsciously rubbing my hands together. Suga looks at me concerned. He sighs before smiling at me. "You say that like it's a question." He added, chuckling slightly. He smiles again before putting his hand on my shoulder. I relax slightly into his touch. Daichi-san calls everyone over to him, explaining when they are heading over to Aobajohsai.

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