A New Team

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Shiyura: Umm, Hello?

He calls out to the mysterious team, hoping to get their attention. Eeryone on the boat is hesitant of course, as Crazy Dave then Dave out to them
Crazy Dave: Hey! Hello over there! I'm Crazy Dave, who are you all?

The team turns to them with a calm look, so many unique members. There is one kid with green hair like Shiyura, but it is in a different hair style. He also has yellow eyes instead of green eyes, there is also more members, that kid responded with,
???: Oh, Just another team hunting for zombies,
The rest of the team nods, Seno-Chan felt hesitant to talk but she gathers up the courage to speak

Seno-Chan: Umm... Hello! I'm Seno-Chan! What might be you all's name?
She waits anxiously for then to respond. The kid with the green hair and yellow eyes responded with a calm yet emotionless tone
???: Me? I'm Padori, these are my teammates, my Stepbrother Taguken

Taguken has dark green hair and red eyes, making the kids on the boat flinched a bit, but Shiyura hides his nervousness my waving nervously.
Padori: this member right here is Harupeno,

Harupeno: Hi... I guess...
He has red and green hair and yellowish eyes, he has bandaid on his face as he turns away with a pout,
Padori: he can be angry and aggressive sometimes
Chiko and Chiyo: wait, Is that....
Padori: Hmm? You 2 recognize him?
Chiyo: yeah, is that....
Chiyo and Chiko: Big Brother?!
Seno-Chan: huh? You guys are his brother?!
Harupeno: Yeah... I ran away from my parents and met them,

Seno-Chan is baffled, so are the rest of them, Taguken went to the Gargantuan to see if it is still alive or not.
Padori:.... Anyway, as I was saying, this tall guy right here, that is Torunawa
Torunawa: Hello,
He had his arms crossed, he has lots of scars on his body, it is honestly very surprising for the Day Shift. He has brown hair and eyes
Wataronawa: Oh! Hello big Bro!
Torunawa: hello,
Seno-Chan: wait, you 2 are siblings too?!
Padori:..... oh.... Looks like we have a lot of siblings here, I wonder if any of you are siblings to these 3 little ones

As he picks up 3 little baby boys with his arms, each of them has the same green hair and eyes as Shiyura.

Shiyura: wait... what are their names?
Padori: oh, it's Ichino, Nino and Sano,
Shiyura: Ichino, Nino and Sano..... wait, I remember those names, they are my baby brothers!

He is shocked yet so happy and he immediately hopped onto the other side to hug his baby brothers. Padori looks at the rest of them, one of them, Toruchi, is a fiery boy with flame as hair and fiery eyes, and dark skin, he says,
Toruchi: Awww! That is adorable!

Padori sighed, looks at the last 2 members, Sukuwasa, the adult of the group with green hair, and Saruzatsu, a kid with dark skin, dark tannish hair and red eyes, Padori sighed and looks back at them,

Padori: so uhh... what do we do now?
Saruzatsu: I'd say we join them
Padori: what? Are you sure? Remember last time when our original team left us to die?
Saruzatsu: yeah but.... Look at them, they seems like nice peoples,

He gestures to Shiyura and the rest of the Day Shift. They looks innocent kids with Crazy Dave
Padori: Hmm... I guess you're right
He yells out to the rest of his team
Padori: Guys!
Taguken: Huh?
Harupeno: What?
Padori: New Plan, we will join them
Taguken: Huh?
Harupeno: you kidding? Don't you remember last time?
Padori: yeah, but I am sure they will not betray us
Toruchi: I agree with Padori, let's try this one more time!

Taguken sighed, and Toruchi gives them a thumbs up, Padori approached Crazy Dave and says
Padori: Sir, may we join your team as the Pool Shift?
Crazy Dave: Hmm.... Alright, y'all can join
The Pool Shift: Thank you sir!

Seno-Chan is happy and sighed out of relief
Seno-Chan: Another Great Day with new members joining!

Thanks for reading this chapter! Sorry for not posting in a while, but I hope Y'all liked this chapter! 😁🪻

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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