"And a Dollar for The Bus Back Home."

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(First Person)

Wolfy and I walk to the train station. I wasn't planning to converse with him on the way, but he decided otherwise. He talked to me about his interests, and surprisingly, we had similar likes for these things. He liked rhythm and RPG games too? Pretty awesome. After a few minutes of talking, well, him mostly talking..

We reached the train station on time and we waited for the train to arrive. I sit down on the empty seats, staring back at the time on my phone. Ah, 19:38 already but I haven't eaten dinner.. I thought to myself as I lean my head on the wall behind me. Wolfy sits on the chair next to me, noticing my stress. He looked mildly sad too, and I wondered why while I hide my phone in my bag again.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I look back at him and adjust on my seat to fix to a more appropriate position, looking down and shaking my head.

"Aagh, I'm just too tired. My head hurts and mmmh." I grumble and slouch, putting my hand on my face, having too much in mind. He scoots slightly closer to me, curious to why I was feeling like that. I rest my back on the back rest of the bench.

"Lately, I've been pretty.. I dunno, gloomy? I'm trying to convince myself that things will get better but they really aren't getting any better. Nothing even happened to me! Like, I just started feeling this way out of nowhere. I'm assuming it's lypophrenia."

He nodded and acknowledged what I felt, but he looked quite perplexed. "What's lypophrenia? Haha, sorry for being dumb. Don't use big words with me.." He awkwardly questions, but I chuckle a bit and explain.

"Lypophrenia. A vague feeling of sadness or sorrow, basically. You don't know the reason why you're feeling blue. It's oftenly when you miss someone, but there's no one that comes to mind." I carefully clarify with him, and his ears perked up. It seems he understood, and I smiled at that. I guess hanging out with this person isn't so bad, I ruminate.

"Oh, Mayu, look!" He randomly exclaimed, pointing at the train that arrived. I stood up, unconsciously taking his arm and running inside. I pant, sitting down at the free seats and made them sit down next to me. I just tiredly rest my head on the rail next to me, but he was just quiet. I turn to them, disoriented.

He just stared at me, seemingly embarrassed. I look down, noticing I was still holding their arm. OH. I let go, now shy.

"I-Ima-I'm sorry—"

"Oh, no. It's okay Mayu. I was just surprised that you're very.. urgent." They say, actually pretty amused by the situation. Sheepish, I look away and he laughs.

Oh, this guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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