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Bathroom Meltdown

The trio followed by some Hermes kids made their way to the archery range. "You know, your hair looks nice in the sun." Alisara broke the silence gravitated towards the range. "Lisa, he just got here! Leave him alone!" Luke had grown familiar with Sara's constant flirting but it was still weird to hear. "I can't help i-" Luke sent a glare to her and she shut up.

"Thanks..." Percy murmured, his cheeks were tinted a light pink. Not that she noticed. "Well, we are here!" Alisara clutched a bow and handed it to the blonde boy. "A good source of glory is feats of skill. So, we gotta find what you're good at." Luke informed Percy. "I just wanna be very clear about this, I've never done anything like this before, and it looks super dangerous." He looked to Luke. "And you never killed the Minotaur before, until you did." The older boy replied. Alisara grabbed an arrow from the quiver strapped to Percy's back then handed it to him.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you get the bullseye first try. You could be the son of Apollo, maybe that's why your hair-" Alisara would have gone on until Percy's arrow went right of the target and multiple kids had to duck unless they wanted to get hit. When she looked away from where the arrow landed she saw Percy on the floor. "Should I...try again?" He asked. Almost everyone in a thirty-foot radius declined the offer. "Do you want to kill someone?"

Once they had reached the forge, Percy tried it...probably not Hephaestus.

"Yeah, just hit it." Alisara encouraged him. Percy hit the sword that had a heated end a couple times until it flung off and landed on a stack of sacks.

They left for lunch, it was a well-needed break. "It isn't that bad, Percy. I wasn't thinking you were Hephaestus since he was knocked off Olympus for being-" Luke covered her mouth. "You are making it worse, Lisa." Alisara frowned and bit his hand, he took it away with a groan. "I'm complimenting him on his good looks, he isn't Hephaestus's son." Percy tried to ignore this conversation but his cheeks had a red color against his will. "Is there a Greek god of disappointment?"

"Oizys...but she's a goddess, and her whole thing isn't really disappointment, it's failure." Luke's friend pointed out. "You haven't tried sword fighting! There is still hope, Percy. Stop being such a Debbie Downer!" Alisara mentioned before eating her food. "Lisa, no one says Debbie Downer anymore," Luke said with an eye roll. "You're being a Debbie Downer." Alisara nudged his side, Luke sighed and turned to Percy. "Look, we are going to find the thing you are good at. I know it."

The bells started chiming. "Our turn." Percy had the look of confusion written all over his face when Alisara, Luke, his friend stood with their food. "Our turn for what?" Luke gestured to his plate. "Burnt offerings. The gods like the smell so it gets their attention before you say a prayer." Percy looked at his plate. "They like the smell of burnt mac and cheese?" Alisara couldn't help but snicker. "They like the smell of begging." Luke's friend answered, the three let out a chuckle. Luke's friends started walking off but the siblings stayed. "You burn what you miss the most." Luke started. "Then they know that you really mean what you're about to say so they listen." Alisara left to put her strawberries into the fire.

She winced at the sight of the ripe fruit going inside the fire. Sara didn't hate her dad, he just wasn't there in the beginning and hadn't even shown a sign since she set foot in camp. "You don't answer, and the strawberries are newly picked so this is going to be sweet and simple. I don't think you care but I'm not going to do burn offerings for you anymore, Luke told me I have a big mouth but I am still going to say this. You suck. Take this as the last offering because you don't deserve any more of my strawberries." Alisara finished her prayer.

-ˋˏ ˎˊ-

Alisara woke up after an hour or two of sleep. The girl slipped on her cat slippers and quietly tip-toed to the front door. Sara left the Hermes cabin to take a walk. The nights at camp were never frightening, they soothed the human body down. Regular campers couldn't smell it as much, but newcomers could smell a thick scent of earth wafting through the cool breeze. It was nice to be able to look up and see the stars, light pollution really sucked.

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