Something old something new something borrowed and something blue

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Once calm issei got his coat and left the house and made a phone call

Ring ring

Azazel : hello

Issei: hey is your bar open Imma go check the place out

Azazel : should be some staff in at the moment just don't go to hard

Issei: what makes you think that

Azazel : well you never call me this much plus everything that's gone down I know your with someone now but I don't want to see you drown the pain in alcohol

Issei: every the vilgant friend I see

Azazel : I may be your friend but I am still your teacher till you leave kouh

Issei sighed to himself before speaking

Issei: yea I know (sigh) I'll see ya later

Azazel : see ya

Issei ended the call and put his headphones in as he locked the first door and started to walk off while humming a tune to himself

Play this for this section as it's about to go down

Scene change - club fallen

Issei walked in and took look around as it looked like a nice place

Issei walked in and took look around as it looked like a nice place

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Issei sat at the bar only seeing one person on staff at the moment

Issei: slow day

???: you could say that so what it will be red dragon emperor

Issei: hmm thought there'd be human staff

???: well this is a club run by the fallen governor but I guess you would think that unfortunately none are on shift

Issei: yea I guess well give me the strongest you got miss

??? : what's with wanting to know the name all of sudden

Issei: well there's only me and you here a listen conversation can't hurt now can it

???: guess not well the names Tiamat and I bet that rings a bell for you doesn't it draig my dear

???: guess not well the names Tiamat and I bet that rings a bell for you doesn't it draig my dear

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A/N imagine Tiamat in this kind of outfit

Draig: oh fuck we gotta get out of here

Tiamat : ah come on draig your host asked for a drink it's my job to server him one

Issei was now pretty nervous as he eyes Tiamat like a hawk to make sure she didn't pull anything on him

once finished Tiamat brought the drink over and placed it down in front of issei

Issei: how much do I own ya

Tiamat : just this once and probably because azazel won't mind this session is on the house

Issei was now very worried

Tiamat : well go on then you asked for the strongest stuff

Issei shallowed a lump in his throat and grabbed the drink as draig held his breath hoping for his host/best friends safety

Issei took a sip and shallowed as it hit him a type of bitterness mixed with a little sweetness to offset the balance just a tad and mixed with something he couldn't tell but all in all he liked it

Issei: you had me worried there a second

Tiamat: let me guess he told you of past experiences

Draig : well how could I not

Tiamat : well you see I'm over it it doesn't matter anymore cause you know working here has given me piece of mind surprising how your much better you feel when getting something done so penny for your thoughts

Draig : I'll pass

Tiamat : oh that penny for your thoughts that wasn't for you draig I wanna know more about you mr...

Issei: issei it's issei

Tiamat : well issei,mr hero of the factions your someone who's very interesting as of course I've heard of your exploits so go on tell me what's on your mind cause your the one who said a little conversation won't hurt anyone right

Tiamat put her elbow on the bar and her head on her hand as she waited for issei to speak

Issei : oh you know relationship troubles just like any other being that lives on this planet

Tiamat : I bet draig told you all about that considering he said he wanted to borrow my treasure only to get sealed and I haven't found it since

Draig kept silent

Issei: they always build you up only to go shatter you into a million pieces

Tiamat : I get your angle

Draig : I I I I am sorry about that treasure you know

Issei : you I am curious I always here about this treasure but I never knew what it was

Tiamat sighed to herself

Tiamat : it was a ring given to me by draig to show he loved me but he took with him to the final battle as it was meant to be used a proposal once he defeated albion

Issei : I see

Issei took another sip of his drink as he looked Tiamat in the eyes as he could see the pain of loss in her eyes

Issei: guess we share one thing in common

Tiamat : and that is

Issei: people we loved letting us down

Draig : yea

Tiamat : hmmm I guess I get where your coming from tho I'm guessing there's more to this story of yours

Issei: yea

Issei downed the last of his drink

Issei: give me another bartender

A/n so I'm gonna continue this in the next chapter as Tiamat is going to be playing a big role and she may possibly become a harem member as I've never done anything with Tiamat and I've had idea of adding her for a while but next time we'll be going more into the relationship between Murayama and issei so see ya next time

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