I. The dissapearance of Michelle Seraphic

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I. The Disappearance of Michelle Seraphic

"Congratulations on the callback! This part is now between you and 4 others. This is your time to convince us of why we should give this to you. Do you see yourself in Cassandra? Why should we cast you?"

Maisie Seraphic, sat across the table from two pairs of eyes looking intently at her. She looked downwards at the script for the entire first episode. She looked at the name.

The Disappearance of Will Byers.

"Well, I guess when my mom went missing, two months ago, that's how I can relate to Cassandra. She loses a best friend and has no idea what's happened to him but she has to go on with her life. Everyone's expecting her to just be herself you know? Still have that spark and drive. But it's just so hard because when you're not distracted it takes everything in you not to break down or drown in your own questions. Like when her and Mike are out looking with the group and she says 'He's out there somewhere. He has to be.' It's such a turn from who she was of being so pessimistic and badass and all but now she's so optimistic and nurturing. I guess what I'm trying to relay is that shit really changes a person. And they're not going to go on with their life as everything was. I just see myself in Cassandra when I look in the mirror. It's honestly comforting to read her lines. Sometimes it makes me feel not as alone."

Silence once again filled the room apart from a floor fan. The air was heavy, her face salty with a tear or two that had slipped. She wiped them with her shirt trying to hide it.

"Your devotion to this character is just," one of the twins started, "admirable." 

"I don't want to make promises but I can say confidently you of all of our finalists here have definitely connected most with our character. And that's exactly the someone we want to play her." The other one spoke.

Two twins. Identical. One was Matt one was Ross. One had more of a beard. Which one had a longer beard? She could never tell them apart. Even after months of auditions with them.

"Wow. I- I'm so thankful. Thanks for your time and this opportunity." Maisie smiled standing up, all of her interview skills flying out the open window.

"Of course. We've seen your work and it's so impressive. You'll hear if you've gotten the part within a few days at most. Thanks for coming in." Matt Duffer shook her hand, then Ross.

"Thanks for having me."

And with that she walked out the door, down the hallway, and into

An Uber.

Living with your aunt you've met once when you were a baby isn't ideal. She travels a lot for work but it was in moms will so, that's how it is. Not that she's dead. She's out there somewhere. She has to be. Aunt Caroline was so kind, but almost never home. It was almost like living alone. So how she was fit to be a legal guardian Maisie had no idea. But she's the only living relative and she did come all the way from Arkansas so you get what you give. To her suprise, Aunt Caroline was home today. The tall blonde sat at the table with a stack of papers ahead of her. She looked up as the door closed to see Maisie walk in.

"Hey sunshine how'd it go?" Aunt Caroline's thick southern accent always filled the house. Talking at a normal noise level was a struggle. Maisie caught onto that last week, only a few days after Aunt Caroline had joined her.

"It went pretty well. I think I have a good chance of getting this role." Maisie responded sitting down.

"Everything okay? I don't mean this in a bad way but you usually aren't home when I get back." She asked.

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