The prologue

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I was once a happy young man, my parents were king and queen; but that didn't stop them from caring about me, they would always make time for me, care for me, and love me. They showed me and each other lots of love. They were the best parents a person could ever have. They would make me laugh, smile, and feel love and happiness. 

That is until a sad, gruesome, and fateful day...

I watched in horror as my parents slaughtered by another kingdoms king and queen. All I could do was sit there and cry, be useless, begging for them to speak to wake up, be alive, anything but they never did. I begged for hours upon hours 'please be okay!' But they weren't okay. That day they died. I was 17 when that happened; I didn't know what to do, how to rule, how to get over the death, and how to deal with my emotions. My guards tried to help but the only people I talked to stuff about was them, with them gone I constantly feel alone and deserted.

I am the king now, at only 18, I sit high and mighty on my thrown, at war with the people who brutality murdered my parents. I wanted to see their blood on my hands, no matter what the cost. I wanted to hurt them as bad as they hurt me. I made up multiple plans but one in specific is what I went with. Almost everyone was scared of me from my harshness but I'd didn't care. 

My plan was to kidnap their son and to get him back I get payback. I get to watch them bleed out slowly and painfully. I loved the plan it was brilliant, smart, magnificent, it was for sure going to work. I was finally going to get revenge, either from hurting them physically or mentally.

With the kingdom under my rule this was going to be a new age. Nobody would have to worry about being murdered or slaughtered, as the king I shall provide them protection, not let them meet the same fate as my parents. No child would have to watch their parents die, nor would the parents watch their kid die. Everything would be perfect with the kingdom I'm building.

I'm also supposed to hold a banquet to choose a queen or king. The whole kingdom was invited along with princes, princesses, single kings, and single queens. I already have everything set up. The plan was going to be held after the ball and I would make sure my king or queen would be kind, loyal, and caring.

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