Little Bunny-❤️‍🔥

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|| Inexperienced sub!Carl Grimes x Soft dom!Reader||

(Content: 80% Porn with 20% plot, voyeurism, pillow humping, soft dom! reader, sub!Carl, Carl in subspace, pussy eating, pussy drunk Carl, unprotected sex, cowgirl, edging(sorta?),  creampie, aftercare)

Your pov:

You were walking through Alexandria after finishing your watch shift, catching up with people you came across while you made your way home. As you were nearing your house, you saw Rick, Daryl, and Glenn walking down the street towards you.

"Hey (y/n)," Rick waved at you as you met in the middle, "How did your shift go?" "Uneventful, so it was good," you quipped. "Sounds good for our run then," Glenn said, nodding at Daryl and Rick. "Would you tell Carl that we're all planning on having dinner at Carol's tonight?" Rick proceeded to ask you. "Yeah sure, I'll go find him," Rick nodded his head at you in thanks before the three of them said goodbye and turned to leave.

You walk up the steps of your porch, suddenly starkly aware of how sweaty you feel. You decide to head into your room to change your clothes before you look for Carl, your boyfriend of just a couple of months. Walking into the house and starting up the stairs, just about halfway up, you heard something. You couldn't tell what exactly, just that it was some type of movement. Out of reflex, you pulled your gun from your hip holster and stealthily walked up the rest of the way, following the noise down the your bedroom? You stood in front of the door for a moment listening to the rustling noises until you figured out how you'd handle an intruder in your room. With your gun still drawn, you opened the door quietly on its hinges.

You saw him immediately. Carl lay on your bed with his back facing you and a pillow between his thighs that he was helplessly rutting against. You put your gun back into your holster and leaned on the doorframe while you watched him pathetically hump your pillow, still fully dressed except for his hat that was sitting on your bedside table. He let out quiet noises of frustration as he attempted to get any kind of relief through his jeans, each of his whimpers added to the heat that was building up in your core...but as if that wasn't enough, he squeaked out a quiet and strangled moan of your name.

You felt your skin get hot as you felt your desires in full force and allowed them to drive your actions. Stepping over to your dresser without Carl noticing, you unclipped your hip holster as quietly as possible and held it just a handbreadth above the wooden surface of the dresser before you abruptly dropped it with a clatter. Carl jumped up immediately and turned to see you leaning on the dresser facing toward him, "I'm...'m so sorry, I just...just," he stuttered as he tried to explain himself with a bright red face. You shifted your weight fully back onto your feet and walked to where he now sat up on your bed, the pillow pushed behind him in a failed attempt to hide what he was doing.

"You just what, honey? Go on," you coaxed him with a sweet voice, leaning over slightly with a finger under his chin, forcing him to look you in the eyes. "...wanted to lay in your bed while I waited for you to be done with your shift and then..." he still avoided making eye contact with you as he spoke, looking at the floor every few seconds. "And then you got distracted, huh? What distracted you, sweet boy?" You didn't fail to notice the way he nuzzled into your hand when you talked to him like this, deciding to play into it even more. "Started thinking about you, baby...'m sorry," he looked up at you with one big, blue, puppy dog eye, tugging at your heartstrings the moment you saw it.

"Don't be sorry, Carl, I'm your girlfriend! You don't have to be so shy either, honey," you said as you looked down at him lovingly with your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb up and down his soft freckled skin. "I just...I don't want to do anything wrong," He grumbled while his eye darted all over your face, trying to read your expression. You couldn't lie, you were nervous too, but seeing your boyfriend in this state brought a confidence out of you that you didn't even know was there. "How about I tell you exactly what to do then, sweetheart? That way you wouldn't have to worry your pretty little head about doing anything wrong, right?" You offered gently, not wanting to pressure him into anything he didn't feel ready for.

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