epilogue ❦

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HEY HEY HEYYYY MY BEAUTIFUL READERS!! Here's to the end of this long and very detailed fanfic...🌚 anyways this chap is sorted by one shot in the beginning and a short ish story at the end. BUT I'd like to say thank you for reading this very long and detailed fact in and dealing with my delusional thoughts. I love you all! And enjoy!

5 years later:

After college, you and Tooru graduated together hand in hand, proud of yourselves and each other. Tooru went off to his training in Japan, and since the team has connections to the Japanese national team, they allowed Tooru to stay and train in Japan till he was picked for the next national game. While he was there, he guided and supported your ambition to grow your grandfather's business. You found out that ever since you inherited everything in his will, you knew that you would want to do good and expand it. So you double majored in two courses when you were in college: Business and Psychology. You had many ups and downs, but you endured with the help of your boyfriend, Tooru. The both of you helped and lifted each other up, helping to create a better version of each other.

When you left school, you created a new branch under your grandfather's business: a therapy cafe. In which people come in to talk to specialists about their mental needs, and sometimes, you would be the one to listen to them. The cafe part of the place was also local, so that after people's sessions they would stay comfortably in the cafe, eating and drinking while being in a comforting environment. The relationship with your parents started to rekindle after you had everything in order with your cafe. There were still rough patches, but you are determined to make things better, especially with the help Tooru is providing.

After a year of hard work, Tooru made it on the roster for Argentina's national volleyball team. You would remember the day when Tooru came home to your shared apartment, telling you the big news and celebrating with, "Tooru I'm so fucking proud of you! You deserved it. You worked so hard oh my god I'm so proud" You said while he picked you up and spun you in excitement. You both made arrangements when Tooru left. He would visit at least every two months and vice versa. The stays would vary from 3-4 weeks, depending on your schedules. 

The day after Tooru's news, he asked you on a date, which you thought nothing of. He brought you to the same place where the both of you confessed. You were sitting with him, cuddling and talking your heart out as per usual. Tooru told you to get up and look over the view so he could take the millionth stolen shot of you. And you agreed with a smile. While you looked at the city in front of you, Tooru pulled out his phone and took a picture.

The picture Tooru took wasn't a regular stolen shot. He held a little box with a ring in it. He turned to the side to see that Kiyoko was ready to take the shot of him asking you to marry him. Tooru got up and went down on one knee. You could hear shuffling behind you so turn around and see Tooru. You look at him surprised, "You're lying," you said with your mouth covering your hand. Tooru shook his head. "No, my queen. Could we officially be king and queen?" He asked cheesily. You laughed a little, "That was... really cheesy, but... will you marry me?" He asked and finally popped the question. You teared up and nodded your head excitedly. "Fuck it. Yesl. Most definitely yes," you said and Tooru picked you up and spun you around.

A few days later, you announced your engagement, posting on your Instagram and showing it off. The wedding was held a few months later, before Tooru left. You had a small wedding, with small and simple decorations. Your uncle walked you down the aisle instead of your dad. He'd come to terms with the fact that your uncle should walk you down instead of him since he was more of your dad when you were younger. The after party was with all your friends from high school. That night was special and unique to both you and Tooru. The night after was even more special. You and Tooru had a small getaway to a beach that was close by.

Sᴛɪʟʟ 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌, ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ x ʀᴇ𝖺ᴅᴇʀ Where stories live. Discover now