Y/n L/n

969 23 8





Username: ##### ######

Email: Something_biteme#gmail.com

Password: [Redacted]

Is this you?




this is you.








Welcome h̶o̶m̶e̶ [user]

Please wait as this files creator loads your file...









Name: Y/n L/n

Height: 4'2

That's 2 inches taller than Uzi Doorman

Species: Worker drone

Hair color: H/C

Eye color: E/C

Clothing: C/S

(C/S = Clothing style)

Extra features if needed:


Y/n L/n is a worker drone that usually lacks motivation.

Y/n L/n's known friends throughout time are

Uzi doorman

Disassembly Drone N



Y/n L/n is a master at hacking, and has taught Uzi Doorman a thing or two about it.

Y/n L/n quit their talent in hacking after 5 weeks of a event that had happened about [REDACTED]

Now Y/n L/n has taken a liking to drawing and helping Uzi Doorman with her project's.

Y/n L/n's has no known family.

That is all information the creator of this file has managed to find.

Shutting down...











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Artificial dream {Murder drones x reader}Where stories live. Discover now