A spark of hope

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Harper's 18th birthday had finally arrived, and she couldn't contain her excitement. With the first light of dawn, she jumped out of bed and hurried downstairs, still clad in her pajamas. After a quick breakfast, she dashed back upstairs to change into her favorite jeans, a comfy t-shirt, and a hoodie, the anticipation bubbling within her.

As she waited downstairs for her family to wake up, Harper's heart raced with excitement. When her mom finally made her way downstairs around 8:00 am, she couldn't help but tease Harper about her eagerness. "Someone must be excited!" she remarked with a smile.

Harper beamed back, her excitement palpable. "Of course I'm excited, it's my 18th birthday!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Her mom chuckled warmly. "Well then, let me go get ready," she replied, heading off to prepare for the day ahead.

Just then, Harper's stepdad descended the stairs, a wide grin on his face. "Happy birthday, Harper!" he greeted her warmly, adding to the sense of celebration filling the air.

8 hrs later

At 4pm Harper's mom
Pulled out the birthday cake and lit the candles

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Harper happy birthday to you make a wish!

What did you wish for her younger sister asked?

Harper said well after all these yrs of wishing the same thing I guess I can finally tell y'all

Her family eagerly waited

Harper said well all these years I've been wishing to become a firefighter and today is the day I sign up for the academy

Pretty much in unison her family said
You're joking right?

Harper said no why would I be?

Someone said well u atleast mean ur gonna be a paremedic right?

Harper said no and picked up her coat phone and keys and walked out the door her family rushed after her asking her to stay and she just ignored them and got in her car and drove off

4 months later

Harper walked into station 51 her heart full of anticipation

A paremedic welcomed her

Hi I'm Leslie Shay what's ur name?

Hi I'm Harper Dawn

20 mins later

Wow this place is amazing Harper said

Yeah Ik right oh also there gonna be calling u Dawn as that's ur last name Leslie said

Understood! Harper said

Leslie asked do
U remember where the locker rooms are Harper nodded

Lunch time

Hey candidate make us something for lunch will ya hermann said

Dawn said she would but there was one problem

Hermann said what?

D-I can't cook!


D-Do you want food poisoning?

Everyone shook there heads no

M-I'll cook🙄

H-thanks mills!

O-so where you coming from Dawn?

D-like a hour or
So from here


M-foods ready!

Everyone got up

H-what's for lunch?


D-yeahhhh imma skip lunch

S-what you a vegetarian or something?

D-nah just don't like beef


Boden walked in

B-why doesn't the candidate have any food?

S-she don't like what mills cooked

B-so tell her she can make something out of the Cabneit instead of just sitting there and letting the poor kid starve

B-go make ur self out of shift 2s Cabneit


D-looked in the Cabneit and found some ramen noodles

D-reading the instructions

S-it's not rocket science

Shay-shut up Severide here lemme help
U dawnn


Shay-explains how to make ramen noodles

2 weeks later

D-good morning lt!

Lt c-morning

Dawn sat down at the table for breakfast

M-I'm making scrambled eggs!

S-actually gonna eat this time Severide said jokingly

D-said yes rolling her eyes

M-breakfast is done!

Dawn grabbed a plate and put a scoop of scrambled eggs on her plate

D- pass the salt

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