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"What do you mean I'm too young to be in college? Mind you, you're only two years older, Jinnie." Yunjin cackles for the fifth time at Minji's annoyed expression. "Hey! Stop laughing!"

She wipes a small tear from her eye and taunts her again, "I still can't imagine being older than you. When we initially met, you appeared to be more mature than I was."

"You're making me regret buying Kazuha's coffee from you."

"I know you don't."

Yunjin isn't sure how she and Minji built this friendship in a month, after the coffee incident with Kazuha. Are they even friends now? Well, Minji does wait for her after some of her classes (if there are no conflicts in her and Yunjin's schedules), has lunch with her if they're both free, and does a lot of nice things for her. Friends do that, right? She guessed so.

Minji lets out a defeated sigh. "Alright, you win. Let's take you to class now."

Okay, add that to the list of Minji's doings.


Yunjin finishes the last part of their (her) research paper, which is due tomorrow. She had to endure several sleepless nights to successfully complete all of the papers after being paired up with a delinquent student. She had previously reported it to their professor, and dealing with a lazy partner was adding to her stress. Regardless, she was told that her efforts would guarantee she'll pass her subject.

While compiling the papers scattered on her desk, she hears two familiar voices outside her room. Has Kazuha invited anyone to come over? Perhaps.

"By the way, is Jinnie here?"


Of course, it must be her. It's no surprise that she recognized her voice when she heard her speak. Plus, only Minji refers to her by that nickname. She smiles as she listens to the two converse.

"Jinnie? Who the hell is that?"

There's something Yunjin didn't like when Kazuha spoke. Was it her tone? Maybe. She could just imagine the scowl on her face right now. Well, what exactly is she expecting? That is already usual for her.

"Yeah. I figured I would come and visit her too since she lives here."

"Okay, first of all, she doesn't live here. It's just a temporary setup my mom did to basically annoy the hell out of me. Second, since when did you two get close?"

Minji giggles, "Oops, forgot about that "temporarily living with the Nakamuras" thingy. my bad."

"You didn't answer my question."

"What question?"

Kazuha glares.

"Oh, right. It just magically happened. She's great, Zuha. I find her cute too." Yunjin feels her face heated. Minji's words keep echoing in her head.

"I'll just go and say hi. I have not seen her since the other day."

She swears she heard Nakamura emphasize the word "no".

Kazuha attempted to stop Minji, but to no avail. She sprints to Yunjin's room, as Kazuha chases her.


Minji puts out her tongue and ignores the hot-headed woman, who is standing behind her now. It only takes three knocks for the door to open, and Yunjin greets her. They both smiled. "Jinnie! Good to see you again."

Kazuha mimics her and rolls her eyes, but goes unnoticed by the two.

"Hello, Min! What are you doing here?", Yunjin asks.

"Came to pick up Zuha for movie night. Join us, please. The tickets are on me." Minji pleads with puppy eyes. She knew she couldn't resist it.

This is enough to irritate Kazuha in certain ways. Before Yunjin could answer, she overheard the girl speak. "Okay, hold on. Who said we're bringing her?"

"Nakamura, could you please shut up?"

"No! Being stuck here with her in my place is already a nightmare. I can't bear being seen with her outside as well." Kazuha stomps out of the scene and goes inside her room without saying anything else.

Minji gives her other friend an apologetic look. "Don't worry about her. She always acts like that. You should dress up now, and I'll wait for you here."

Yunjin shakes her head as a feeling of guilt and shame overtakes her. "I appreciate the invite but I-"

"No buts, no declining. I want you to come us."





"Fine." Yunjin groans as she finally gives in.

She has no choice but to tag along with them. To spend the rest of the night with Minji.

With Kazuha...

"That's more like it! Besides, you're her babysitter. You should always look after her." Yunjin slowly nods.

Well, point taken.

"And who knows? Maybe you and Zuha could get along too." Her friend winks at her, her lips curving into a mischievous smirk.

It's going to be a long night.

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