a caged bird.

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As the evening unfolded, the family laughed and enjoyed the show,
But nearby, a caged bird yearned for freedom, its longing on full display, you know.
It gazed outside, watching other birds soar high,
Yet, its cries were dismissed, as mere singing, oh my!

"Why am I not free?" it pondered, feeling trapped and confined,
Perhaps, the people were blind, unable to see its longing intertwined.
Echoes of its cries filled the house, reaching every ear,
But alas, no one to help, too far away to draw near.

They closed their curtains, shutting out the bird's plea,
For them, it was annoyance, not a call for empathy.
let's relate this tale to the Palestinian plight,
Where freedom is yearned for, day and night.

Just like the caged bird, Palestinians seek liberation,
Their cries for justice and freedom echo across the nation.
But too often, their pleas fall on deaf ears,
As the world turns away, consumed by its own fears.

Just like a caged bird yearns for the open sky,
Let's break the chains of injustice, reaching new heights, oh my!
With wings of empathy, we'll soar beyond the strife,
And paint a world where freedom's melody comes to life.

- © Hazel, 2024.

- © Hazel, 2024

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