~Doctor, I need you(Jikook)~

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Ship- jikook
Genre- idk
No male pussy!




The boy fell on ground, with big tears flowing down from his brown eyes non stop, as he shuffled into the drawer to search the thing on which his life depends. 

Finally, he found the thing, which he immediately put into his mouth, and puffed three times into his mouth, making the medicine go into his lungs, and a sudden relief crept into his senses. 

Jimin took some deep breaths, as he finally was able to breath. He slowly placed the inhaler on the table and stood up from his place, while supporting his body on it by placing his hands over its edge.

He sighed, and wiped his wet cheeks by the sleeve of his hanbok His cotton candy like pink hair were disheveled, and his loose shirt was sliding down from his one shoulder. 

"I should meet my doctor again. My condition is not improving and only seems like to get worse." He mumbled to himself, slowly going in the direction of his bathroom, to leave for the hospital to consult his regular doctor. 




"Oh, park jimin, long time no see." said the manly voice, making jimin smile at him warmly, as he bowed to him and entered his cabin. 

"Please take a seat Mr. Park, and tell me, what bought you here? How's your asthma after I prescribed the new dosage to you." he asked, making the young boy let out a sigh. 

"I think it is not that effective Dr. Jeon. I am feeling more restless when I am not taking it. I am using the inhaler almost everyday." he whispered, making jungkook hum in response with a slight frown on his face. 

"Fine. I am increasing the dosage of the medicine. I will make it deliver at your address after it will arrive from laboratory." he said, writing something in his doctor handwriting in jimin's patient file, making him nod at his words. 

Jimin's pov

"Also, try to go out in nature a little more and try to do some breathing exercises. Do not come in contact with strong scents and try to take this tablet twice a day after meal, and if you are having any issue in breathing and wheezing, then have nebulizer with the medicine I prescribed to you." he said, and that was when something hit me. 

"Oh, I almost forgot. The rapsules which you prescribed me last time, I am almost out of them. Can you make their delivery a little fast this time?" I requested, and he nodded at my words. 

"Fine. But you have to take care of your medicines, jimin. You know very well that it takes time for them to process in lab. If your condition was normal then it wouldn't be a normal. But your asthma is something rare which is not getting in control by normal medicines." he explained, and I just sighed with a nod. I know, that my condition isn't normal. I have been visited countless doctors but non of their treatment worked out, until I met Dr. jeon. 

It all happened when I met into an accident, and I got some injury in my lungs. From ever since that day, I am having breathing issues, and no doctor was able to treat me. 

Until I consulted Jungkook. 

He ran several tests on me, and prepared his own medicine for me. He is not only a doctor but also a researcher, who works in laboratory when he is not on hospital duty. He is a certified researcher who has authority to develop his own medicines for his patients, and that's why he is in the list of world's top 100 doctors only at the age of 35.

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