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The car ride to the Academy was an experience in itself, to say the least. Packed tightly into the backseat of the new pack SUV, I found myself sandwiched between Leylo and Remi, with Luka and Reymon up front, navigating the winding roads with practised ease.

As the engine roared to life, Leylo couldn't contain her excitement, her chatter filling the car with a lively energy that was impossible to ignore.

"You guys, you won't believe what I heard about the Academy!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing in her seat. "There's this secret underground tunnel that connects the dormitories to the cafeteria. It's like something out of a spy movie!"

Remi chuckled, glancing at Leylo, "Sounds like something straight out of your imagination, Leylo," he remarked, his tone teasing but fond.

Leylo gasped in mock offence, placing a hand over her heart. "Hey now, I heard it from a reliable source!" she protested, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Besides, wouldn't it be amazing if it were true? We could sneak down there in the dead of night and have midnight feasts!"

Luka chuckled from the front passenger seat, his deep voice rumbling with amusement. "I don't know about sneaking around like a bunch of mischievous pups," he remarked, his gaze meeting mine in the rearview mirror. "But I wouldn't say no to a late-night snack."

Reymon, ever the voice of reason, chimed in with a smile. "Let's focus on settling in first, shall we?" he suggested, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Plenty of time for midnight feasts once we've familiarized ourselves with the Academy."

But just as I allowed myself to relax into the rhythm of the car ride, Raina's voice echoed in the depths of my mind, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of our pack territory.

"Keep your guard up, Rae," Raina cautioned, her tone serious. "We may be heading to the Academy, but that doesn't mean we can let our guard down. Who knows what kind of trouble we'll encounter along the way."

I nodded silently in agreement, grateful for Raina's ever-watchful presence. 

"Alright, wolves, who's up for a game of 'I Spy'?" Leylo exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she glanced around the car.

Luka grinned, his competitive streak evident as he eagerly accepted the challenge. "You're on, Leylo," he replied, his gaze flicking around in the car.

"I spy with my eye something dear to Rae" Luka finally said after looking.

"There's something that I like in here? I haven't ridden this car before today though"

"Are you making something up to make me lose, brother? because that wouldn't count as a win anyway" Leylo inquired and warned as she kept looking around the car.

"Is the answer 2 things Luka?" Remi asked looking slightly interested.

"As a matter of fact it is" Luka confirmed.

"The object is me and Reymon, isn't it?" Remi said somewhat confidently.

"That's right Remi! you lose sister" Luka said while laughing his ass off.

"Hey! That's not fair, it could've been me too after all!"

"Let's just continue"

"Fine, so I'm the spy now!"

Laughter filled the car as we racked our brains for clever clues and tried to outsmart each other with our guesses.

After a few rounds of 'I Spy,' Leylo suggested another classic game to keep us entertained.

"Is anyone hungry? we are in a secluded place with one diner up ahead so we can relax and eat there for some time before hitting the road again" Raymon suggested to which my stomach gave a clear answer.

"I think that would be for the best" Luka agreed while his stomach also growled in response.

we decided to take a break at a quaint little roadside diner, nestled on the outskirts of a sleepy town. Stretching our legs after hours of confinement in the car, we relished the opportunity to breathe in the crisp, fresh air and savour the scent of food wafting from the diner.

With our stomachs growling in anticipation, we eagerly placed our orders, much to the astonishment of the poor waiter who stood before us, pen poised uncertainly over his notepad.

"We'll take 8 burgers, 6 plates of large fries, 5 salads with extra spicy dressing, 5 cold drinks, and 5 ice creams for dessert, that will be all, right guys?" Remi declared, shooting a questioning glance in our direction as if seeking validation for the sheer magnitude of our order.

But before anyone could respond, Luka chimed in with his own additions. "I also want 2 plates of fried chicken," he announced, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he eyed the menu hungrily.

Not to be outdone, Leylo immediately followed suit. "And I want 2 plates of grilled chicken" she added with a grin.

Not one to resist the temptation of good food, I decided to throw caution to the wind and join in on the indulgence. "Actually, I want 4 burgers instead of 2, so let's bump it up to 10, and add 2 some onion rings on the side," I declared, unable to contain my excitement at the prospect of such a hearty meal.

"Ooh, and don't forget to add some extra cheese and bacon to those burgers," Leylo chimed in, her eyes twinkling with anticipation as she imagined the decadent toppings that would adorn our meal.

"And I'll take a side of loaded nachos, with extra guacamole and jalapenos instead of a salad" Reymon added, a grin spreading across his face.

The waiter, now visibly sweating, struggled to keep his composure as he attempted to process our outlandish order.

But hey, what can I say? We wolves have a reputation for our boundless strength and stamina, and our appetites are no exception. After all, training to be the best requires plenty of fuel, and we were more than happy to oblige—even if it meant overwhelming a poor, unsuspecting waiter in the process.

The waiter then nodded and hurried off to relay our requests to the kitchen.

Echoes of the Moon: A Werewolf Girl's Odyssey at Royal Academy of WolfsWhere stories live. Discover now