mother's know best

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In a series of unexpected events, freak storms have unleashed chaos and destruction across several regions, leaving authorities scrambling to respond to the aftermath." The TV switches to an older gentleman, "Meteorologists are working to understand the unusual nature of these storms and determine if similar."

The TV switched again to a young woman "The phenomenon of freak storms over oceans, which are not typical for the regions they occur in".Over and over with each new news station they all talk about one thing "I don't know Dave it seems scientists are struggling to determine what is causing this strange phenomenon that seems to be world wide but many have agreed in one thi..." The TV shuts off as Paul blofis, a man in his early thirties with longish salt-and-pepper hair, looks over to his wife.

A strikingly beautiful woman with sparkling blue eyes that changes color in the light. Her hair is long and brown with a few streaks of grey, Her scent is like chocolate, licorice, almost like she just got out of a candy shop, this is Sally Jackson and she is currently holding their baby little Estelle close to her almost as if she's afraid she would disappear if Sally lets her go as she watched the rain fall outside the window of their apartment. Paul sighs as he walked over to the window wrapping his arms around Sally's waist

"He's angry isn't he" Paul mumbled as he looked down at his wife and daughter

Sally shakes her head as she stares out of the window and when she spoke Paul couldn't help but catch how Sally's voice once full of life seemed to be gone.

"No at least not just angry.....he's grieving" tears start to run down Sally's face as she brings Estelle closer to herself

Paul couldn't help the lump on his throat as he hugged his family feeling that something, someone was missing

"Percy..." Paul looked over to a family photo Sally standing proudly showing her pregnant belly, her smile that seemed to hold the literal sun, one that Paul hasn't seen in a few days now, a hand on her belly but what he was focusing on was Sally's first born a 17 year old boy with tanned, olive skin and a muscular, lean frame, on his head was disheveled black hair but his most striking thing was his sea-green eyes that seemed to hold the power of the ocean in them.

This was Percy Jackson son of the sea god, Hero of Olympus and many other things that Paul couldn't remember but it didn't matter not to him because in the end of the day Percy was Sally's son, HIS son and he would use that sword he keeps in the closet on anyone who disagreed even if he couldn't see them.'that's why I have Sally' Paul thought but he quickly shook his head and turned back to his wife

"Why would he be grieving Percy's fine honey he's gotten through the worst before he'll come back he always does" Paul smiled at her reassuringly but Sally just shook her head and sobbed

Paul did his best to comfort Sally taking Estelle from her hands and putting her on her crib. Paul looked back at Sally and he sighed before grabbing her coffee mug, filling it up with warm tea and handing it to Sally who gently took it without breaking her sight from the window. Paul just sat next to her silently holding her after what seemed like an hour Sally spoke up

"He's been gone for so long Paul not even an iris message and with the ocean you've heard the news it's angry..he's angry" Sally turned and her blue eyes shining despite its redness.

Paul rubbed her shoulders as he soothingly said "Percy been to hell and back many times before sally I'm sure he will again give him time im sure he's off saving the world again or at the very least saving a kitten from a tree"

Sally chuckled and Paul mentally did a fist pump and giving himself a pat on the back for successfully reassuring his wife

Though his victory was short lived as Sally's smile turned into a frown as she kept watching the rain she sighed and clinged to Paul tightly as she held back tears.

"I hope that your right honey but I don't know call it mother's intuition but I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong that something happened to my little boy" Sally finally looked away from the window and stared at the picture of herself and Percy fresh tears filling her sight.

"Just wait and see he's a Jackson they are pretty stubborn when they want to be add in that his father is Poseidon and you have one hard headed and stubborn boy" Paul smiled as Sally laughed she started to stand up and bent over kissing Paul on the cheek

"I'm going to bed sweetheart, thank you I needed this" she gave him a soft smile before making her way to their bedroom

"That's what I'm here for love" Paul turned to the window as the rain started to fall harder waiting to hear the soft click of the bedroom door "Percy wherever you are I hope your ok" he mumbled as a thundering boom filled the sky

The sky grew darker with the rain the occasional lightning and thunder filling the air. Paul couldn't help but feel that nature itself was crying out like it was grieving. He wondered how it was like down at the beach

Not just angry.....he's grieving that's what Sally said and who better to understand the ocean than the woman who had a child with him? Paul sighed as he got up from his spot and walked to his bedroom locking the doors and checking on Estelle before making his way to bed before he shut off the light he stared at a picture of Percy

'Make it home percy please for your mother's sake' Paul shut off the light and laid down next to his wife wrapping her in his arms. He sighed as he held his wife and he stared at the ceiling

call it mothers intuition .....,he's grieving yeah right even gods and mothers could be wrong from time to time. As Paul closed his eyes and slowly fell into Morpheus grasp he still has one blaring thought.

Percy's fine he's alive and healthy

Why don't I believe that

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