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Solar, Umbra, and Ruin had made their way to the Plex, chatting. Once they finally got back, they stayed in the atrium talking.

"Shit!" Solar muttered in a panic, earning a strange look from Ruin but otherwise no scolding for saying a bad word.

"What?" Asked Umbra, sitting on one of those weird party chairs no one ever uses.

Solar hesitated for a moment, his rays twitching, but otherwise staying motionless. The other two waited patiently for Solar to speak up. Well, Ruin waited patiently, Umbra was on the edge of yelling at him to say it.

"Uhm, did anyone tell Moon where we were going..?" He finally said, he looked at the other two anxiously, seeming to hope one of them was nodding or something.

"Fuck!" Eclipse yelped. Ruin huffed but stayed silent, he must'veade a deal or something with one of the other Eclipses.

"Moons going to think I did something!" Ruin finally realized, starting to panic slightly.

"Woah woah, don't worry, don't worry, I have a phone for a reason." Solar replied, slightly calming the other two. He quickly pulled his phone out and called Moon, waiting for a second before the other picked up almost immediately.

"Solar!? Are you alright?? We were looking for you, a-"

"Moon, I'm alright, I forgot to tell you I was going out and I brought Eclipse and Ruin along with me" Solar's calm voice interrupted the others very panicked voice.

"No wonder they were missing as well.." Moon muttered.

"Yea, we forgot to tell you and I'm sorry for making you panicked."

Moon sighed, seeming to calm down slightly. "Come home soon" He muttered hanging up on the call.

Solar put his phone back in his pocket looking at the other two. "I think that went better than expected."

Eclipse stood up and turned away. "Bye, I'll be going now." He said, starting to walk away.

Solar waved, turning to Ruin. "So? Where are you headed?" He asked, looking around and spotting a map bot trying to give a map to a plant.

"Um, well, probably to go "fix" arcade machines" He answered, doing air quotes on the word 'fix'.

Solar chuckled. "Yea, I'll probably head to Sun and Moons, I've been staying at there's a lot recently."

Ruin nodded. "Well goodbye, Solar!" He said, starting to walk away.

Solar waved and left to the teleporter. He hurriedly teleported to Moons place.



Words: 405

•~ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤~• Eclipses GCWhere stories live. Discover now