kriti past

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This episode have mature content so think before

After kriti and Leo went to kriti room

In kriti room
Kriti POV

I was in my room with mom it had but still I have to tell I was resting my head of mom's lap she was carrying my hair

Kriti : mom you know i was not like this before I was so different

Mom : what do you mean you are sweet caring take care of everyone then what where you before

Kriti : I know I am sweet caring and a strict person but I was so bubbly,clumsy I didn't used to like rule my dadi is also full strict rule and all but I was total opposite I used to talk a lot while eating I was so clumsy taking one step then something would be broken,you know now i
always talk cold with strangers but that time if I was walking in road I even used to talk with strangers

Mom : but you didn't talk cold with us yaa at first till your father introduced me as his girlfriend

Kriti : yaa because before I didn't know who u are but after knowing u are my papa happiness how could I talk cold with you

Mom : yaa but I am happy you accepted us as your family

Kriti : how was dad behaviour when you first met him

Mom : first he was so cold plus his deep voice really scared me it was like he was depressed he used to talk to less and had a lot of anger I listen many time he used to call someone in every Hour and used to ask is she fine is she fine
Kriti : when ?

Mom : ohh actually I didn't met him first time 2 years ago it was almost 14 years ago he never used to share his problem with anyone if anyone ask he used to say I just came for this project because dad send me otherwise I wouldn't leave her and come here just for this project it was a big project he always used to try to do the project as soon as possible we didn't used to understand it was like it's something important that he wants to go but like desperate to meet someone now whenever I ask he said it's your past I can't tell

Kriti : yaa something happened in past because of that only dadu send him here because after seeing me like that he always used to cry at night scream and break thing

(Till now I have tears remember my past )

Mom : what happened

Kriti : don't stop me ok

Mom : ok

Kriti : it started 15 years ago I was 12 years that time I used to think I am the luckiest I was favourite of everyone and my papa used to pamper me the most I was a total cry baby my dad was Mafia king and mama was Mafia emperor she used to rule papa both in house and Mafia world I hope u know we are Mafia family

Mom : yes you are also Mafia emperor right

Kriti: yes at tht time after marriage mama and papa both collaborated and made there Mafia group in 1st position there was a 2 group red flag (just random name don't mind ) the group leader was obsessed with mama before mama and papa marriage he tried many things to cancel this marriage but my both dada dadi and nanu and Nani where there times biggest Mafia so anyone can't do anything against them he even tried to kill me when I was in muma tummy but papa saved us

Mom : your both grandparents where Mafia

Kriti : yes it was 28 Feb mama birthday full day we didn't wish mom because we wanted to give her a suprise she was sad we didn't remember she came home we celebrated then muma and papa both phone ring mama said someone attack there base papa also said same they thought something is weird but then they both when it was 10 : 30 they went then papa came back after 1 hour he said everything is fine then we waited for mama it was almost 2 then papa got a call it was that group leader of red gate he said mama is with them forget about her she is mine now everyone try to find mama papa send me to my nanu house 2 days went nothing information got i was getting scared after a lot of request nanu took me home papa was pale like didn't slept for 2 days I went and hug him i ask where is mama he said she will come soon don't worry after sometime a guard came with a large box almost human size they said someone kept it outside when papa went near there was a letter he started reading it said hello bestfriend I am samarth that gang leader before marriage he was mama papa bestfriend it said I know you are thinking was is it I have a gift read it afterwards first open the box papa open the box slowly suddenly someone fall from it we were shocck

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