11. LAX

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╰┈➤ 11. LAX

"They said yes

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"They said yes."

The four of them had piled onto the couch for the morning, Sundays were usually a drag anyway. But once Elena announced vaguely that her parents agreed to her going to Boston for the holidays, Nick looked up from scrolling on TikTok and perked up a bit, "wait, seriously?"

"Yeah! I was right, my parents are gonna be busy and they just wanna see me sometime in January. I told them I'll see them the weekend after New Years. Perchance," Elena had her eyes trailed on the tv, she finally convinced them to start watching Desperate Housewives. In fact, when she turned it on, she was met with silence, rather than remarks and complaints. The corners of her mouth perked up in a smile, she was feeling like she won, to say the least.

"Oh, my god, yay!" Nick's voice went up in octaves from excitement and Elena was grinning, it wasn't often that Nick was one to show excitement.

"Right!" Elena turned to face her body towards Nick, "now I can meet your parents in person! Oh, my God, and Nate! This is so exciting. I'm so excited." She sighed, exhaling deeply.

"Do you even have any piece of clothing that could provide you with even an extra degree of warmth? Like a thermal? Or do you only have hoodies and crewnecks?"

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