Chapter 3: The Regret.

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-Ladies, what's up? Did you find something? -Jacob.

-We need to gather all of us and show what we find. -Maria.

-Okay, let's go check on the others. -Jacob.

-I'm going to the living room to check on Leonardo and Damon, we are going to wait for you guys there. -Lilith.

-Okay, Maria come with me to get Laura from the locked room. -Jacob.

-Alright. -Maria.

Lilith goes downstairs and comes into the living room.

-Guys, where are you? -Lilith.

-In the kitchen. -Leonardo.

-Okay, coming. -Lilith.

Lilith comes into the kitchen and sees that Damon is holding something in his hand, and Leonardo is next to him. She notices that Damon is looking a little pale.

-Is everything okay? -Lilith.

-I'm not sure, where are the others? -Leonardo.

-Maria and Jacob are upstairs to get Laura and gather all of us into one. We need to share what we find. Why is the window broken? -Lilith.

-Because we need to share what I find as well. -Damon.

-Let's wait for the others in the living room. -Lilith.

-Alright. -Leonardo.

-Guys, is there any chance for Laura to already be in the living room with you? -Maria.

-Nope, she is not here. -Leonardo.

-But she was in the locked room a minute ago, now she is not there. -Jacob.

-Did you check the bathrooms? -Leonardo.

-Yes, she is not there as well. -Maria.

-Strange. Where are the others? -Damon.

-Jonathan went with Vasilii and Madelyn in the woods. -Leonardo.

-They were not in the woods a couple of minutes ago. Vasilii and Madelyn were with us on the second floor. But then they left. I don't know for what purpose, but Vasilii said he was in a hurry. -Jacob.

-They were without Jonathan? -Maria.

-Yes. -Jacob.

-Omg, what if something happened to Jonathan?! -Leonardo.

-Don't panic without even knowing that for sure. He probably waited for them outside or something. -Maria.

-I just hope everyone is okay right now. -Lilith.

-So, let's start talking about what you found. -Damon.

-An old newspaper under one of the beds. About the mass homicide that we read about. -Lilith.

-And a piece of paper with a strange symbol on it. I found it in one of the wardrobes. -Maria.

-We think that the symbol of the victims' heads is the same as the one from the paper. -Lilith.

-I think so too. -Damon.

Damon shows the others what he has held in his hand this entire time. He shows another piece of paper with the same symbol on it but drawn with blood. And on the back of it is a warning: ''You are not welcome here!''

-That's what I found. Also, one of the kitchen's windows is broken. Probably someone broke it, to send us this paper. -Damon.

-Wait! That means we are not alone in this forest? -Leonardo.

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