season 1- episode 5- coffee girl

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snowy:coffee girl!

michelle:i hope julia keeps her mouth shut and quiet!,JULIA!

julia:what is it,aww,i'm in trouble!

snowy:we'll help you!,did swiper the fox,shenron and queens oberon mess with you,jeez,we'll stop them!

michelle:why is everybody know that i was dating ruby!

julia:well,i know it!

swiper the fox:sneak,sneak,sneak!

snowy:swiper and shenron,no swiping [3 times]!

shenron and swiper the fox:aww,man!

snowy:good job!

queens unikitty,dolores and hannah dawn oberon:swiper and shenron,you two are fired!,we will not fail again!

michelle:i'm not like you or rita,i'm marrying hailey,and that's that!

julia:huh,you take that back!

michelle:mister windfield,why is he in alfheim online,no nervegear for him,he got amusphere!

ruby:i'll make sure that ruby from fantasy patrol will be died,watch out kirito,i'm going to kill you!,what am i doing here!,to stop sissi!

sonic "ruby rose" the hedgehog:not on my watch!

queens unikitty,dolores and hannah dawn oberon:go now my putties,destroy the kirito group for good!,you too world tree guardians!

sissi:not good!,not good,time to drink from our bottles!,you can go away,you putties make me sick,sick,sick!

queens unikitty,dolores and hannah dawn oberon:damn you,we'll stop you next time!

ruby:you'll see!,sword art online will be back in a moment!,we mean...goodbye!,i'll ruin your play!,well,hello julia!

julia:good girl,hey,where's dory?!,did she left you!

michelle:i got kayla for my wife,jeez!

ruby [piny institute of new york]:i'm here,challenge me...and my queens oberon...if you dare!

snowy:next time,ragatha...are you comfortable!



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