Chapter 6 - More Survivors, and a Realization

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July 6th, 2014 (6:01 AM)

We woke up from a surprisingly peaceful sleep to rain pelting down. However, we didn't care about the rain. We had much more important things to worry about, like getting off Sodor. Our crews started lighting our fires. 

Then, we saw Ryan shoot past us with a couple of the orange four wheeled coaches

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Then, we saw Ryan shoot past us with a couple of the orange four wheeled coaches. Said coaches were full of people. Ryan was completely unscathed, and seemed to be dead set on getting to the mainland as quickly as possible, as he didn't stop to check on us. We all sighed.

"I hope Ryan's careful," I said, concernedly. "Especially with the threat of those armed men."

"I know," agreed James. "They're attacking at the worst possible time."

"Agreed," said Duck.

We then noticed Henry, who seemed to be deep in thought about something.

"Henry?" I asked. "Something on your mind?"

He then spoke a second later.

"Guys," he said, "Do you all remember when suspicions about the managers of Brendam Docks and the Ironworks began, that armed people attack that happened at Tidmouth that I told you about, and the one that happened at Brendam Docks that James, Bill, Ben, Derek, Fergus and Timothy told you about?"

"Yes," we all responded in unison.

"Why do you ask?" I asked.

"Well," replied Henry, his expression changing into a serious one, "What if the power plant explosion wasn't an accident?! What if some of these armed men secretly worked in the power plant, and made it explode?! And what if the managers of the Ironworks and Brendam Docks are in on this because they're working with those armed people?!"

We all gasped and looked at each other. What Henry theorized made sense. Too much sense. We all agreed to tell other survivors we could get to about all this.

July 6th, 2014 (6:33 AM)

I had finished steaming up, BoCo was already ready, and the others were nearly finished steaming up. I was only half full of coal and water, so I went to refill. Just then, we heard two more whistles and a horn. Almost right afterwards, the sources of those sounds came to us.

"Hendrie? Seumas? Duck! Oliver? Bill? Ben? BoCo? Deek? Fergus? Molly? Timothy? Trevor?"

"Donald! Douglas! Bear!" I cried, happily. "Great to see you three!"

"Ye tae," smiled Donald, before his expression turned more solemn. "Bit we cannae say th' identical fur Neville..."

"Indeed," agreed Douglas, "Donald, Bear 'n' a clocked Neville shoot by us earlier. We saw his coupon, 'n' 'twas horrifying. He hud na een, 'n' his skin wis slowly meltin th'gither tae glue his een 'n' geggy shut! He wis trying tae scream, bit coudnae! We tried chasing efter Neville, bit he crashed at th' bend juist efter Wellsworth. Whin we git tae him, he wis oan fire! We coudnae fin' ony hain cooncil juice tae pat it oot, sae we hud na choice bit tae lea him thare tae die. We're sae sorry fur yer loss, Molly. We ken howfur muckle o' a best mukker Neville wis tae ye 'n' Murdoch."

We were all horrified when we heard about Neville's death, but none more so than me. I began to cry, and the other engines comforted me. But my sadness quickly turned into anger, and then rage.


"Who?" asked Bear, confused.

Henry and the other survivors explained to Donald, Douglas and Bear about the armed people theory, and they believed it. We all agreed that we had to bring the armed men to justice, one way or another.

If Sodor Fallout Took Place During Sodor's Legend of The Lost TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now