Ch-14 "Temptation"

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As I slowly stirred from my slumber, the first thing I noticed was the absence of Hyunjin beside me. Confusion clouded my mind as I sat up, blinking away the remnants of sleep, searching the dimly lit room for any sign of him. Where could he have gone?

A faint sound caught my attention, drawing me toward the bathroom. With each step, my curiosity grew, mingled with a sense of unease. What could Hyunjin be doing in there?

As I approached the closed door, my hand poised to knock, I hesitated. Something in the air felt charged, as if a tension hung between us, palpable and electric. And then, I heard it-a soft, almost imperceptible sound, like the muffled echoes of pleasure.

My heart quickened in my chest as realization dawned on me. Hyunjin was pleasuring himself.

A surge of arousal shot through me, dispelling the last remnants of sleep from my mind. Part of me yearned to burst into the bathroom, to confront Hyunjin and join him in his ecstasy. But another part held me back-a desire to respect his privacy, to allow him this moment of intimacy without intrusion.

Jealousy gnawed at my insides, mingling with desire and longing. The image of Hyunjin, lost in pleasure, fueled a fire within me that refused to be quenched.

As I stood there, frozen in place outside the bathroom door, the sound of Hyunjin's moans filled the air, sending a jolt of arousal coursing through me. My hand hovered over the doorknob, my body tense with anticipation as I listened to the symphony of his pleasure.

Forehead pressed against the door, I could feel the heat radiating from Hyunjin's body, his shallow breaths mingling with the echoes of his moans. My own arousal pulsed within me, urging me to burst into the room and join him in his ecstasy.

With trembling hands, I reached down to tug at the waistband of my boxer briefs, my desire mounting with each passing moment. And then, amidst the haze of lust, I heard it-a whispered "Minho?" escaping from Hyunjin's lips, followed by the unmistakable sound of his climax.

Did he say my name? Was he thinking about me while reaching his orgasm?

The realization sent a shockwave through me, igniting a spark of hope amidst the heat of desire. For a moment, I hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. But then, as quickly as it had begun, the sounds from behind the door faded into silence.

With a heavy heart, I stepped back from the bathroom, running a hand through my hair in a futile attempt to clear my mind. The air crackled with tension as I waited for what felt like an eternity, my thoughts consumed by the fleeting moment of intimacy I had just witnessed.

And then, just as I began to doubt whether he would emerge at all, the door creaked open, revealing a wet, towel-clad Hyunjin standing before me. Our eyes met.
As I watched Hyunjin standing before me, my gaze roamed over his form, drinking in every detail. But despite the allure of his presence, something felt off-there was a mask of neutrality on my face, concealing the turmoil raging within me.

Rising from the bed, I approached him with purpose, a mix of anticipation and apprehension churning in my gut. There was a tension between us, palpable and electric, as if we stood on the brink of something profound.

Pressing him against the wall, I couldn't ignore the rush of arousal that surged through me at the contact. My hands moved of their own accord, tracing the contours of his body, each touch sending a jolt of desire coursing through me.

As I looked into his eyes, I saw the reflection of my own inner turmoil mirrored back at me. The words spilled from my lips, a warning tinged with longing, as I struggled to maintain control over the chaos swirling within me.

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