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Hello!! This chapter is very, very long. Roughly 18k words, actually. Grab some popcorn if you like to read slowly. Most chapters are intended to be this way, but this one will probably be the longest. I wanted to get all of the prologue posted in one go.

I'm experimenting with different text styles inspired from the games to see which one sticks. These may vary throughout the chapters, so I'll always include a symbol legend at the beginning. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I will refer to book chapters as "parts" and in-game chapters (1-6) as "chapters." It'll get confusing if I don't, because... you know, lol.

without further ado, let's get into it.

Prologue: The DeBRIEf; Begin!




A joke. A smile. We laugh.

They liked my jokes. I loved their smile.

They were the only thing I held close.

So why can't I remember? What did they look like?

I feel different about them every time. Sometimes they feel like close family, and other times... well.

I never remember any of it when I wake up anyway. I don't want to look too deep into it.

But, I know them. I... feel like I do. I have to, don't I?

Who are they? Why can't I remember all of a sudden?

Their name should come to me as easy as breathing. Every time I think about it too hard, it slips through my fingers.

What happened to me?




... It's just a dream. Maybe. Probably.

Eh, whatever. My head is killing me. I must've thought too hard.

At least, I think that's what it is ...

[Something registered in my brain.]

This is new, right? I don't remember my bed feeling so much... like...

... grass ...?

[The sensation of blades of grass weaving through my fingers feels odd, to say the least, when you don't remember falling asleep on the dirt.]

[Voices came next, carried across the wind, far to my left.]

I'm not alone?

[It smelled like pollen and morning dew. Bright light filtered through my eyelids.]

... I know for sure I did NOT fall asleep here!

 I know for sure I did NOT fall asleep here!

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