Not So Secret, Secret: Ch1

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(quick note, hope y'all like my story, it's my first time writing anything other than mini novels, writing has always been a hobby of mine, and although I have no romantic experience myself, I love writing love stories.  feedback is welcome and encouraged, and i would love to hear some suggestions for a series of one-shots.  this jumps between POV's sometimes, i won't label the POV change, since i think it looks sloppy, but it does jump around a bit.  I'm writing this at like, three am so please have mercy on any errors 😁)

"Left, five steps, now right.  Okay now two, no no, three steps, then right again......" Keith instructs in his usual bored tone over the coms.  There's a thud, followed by a groan as Lance runs face first into an invisible wall.

"Ow!  Keith you quiznacking JERK!" Lance exclaims, rubbing his nose down in the training deck.

"I said three steps Lance, that's all on you.  If you would just listen instead of ignoring me, " Keith starts, but is interrupted by Shiro, 

"Keith, Lance, enough.  This is a trust building exercise, NOT a see how much you can annoy everyone else, class."  Shiro says in his usual authoritative, or as the younger paladins called it, dad,  voice, "Lets move on to combat.  Begin combat training, level five, group." Shiro commands the training deck.  The invisible labyrinth shuts down and three training bots pop up as the other paladins join Lance in the ring.  As usual, Hunk and Pidge pair up, covering each others backs, and Keith and Lance stand close together as well.  They share a brief look before the simulation begins, and they jump into battle


"That was brutal " Lance groans as he and Keith exit the training deck.  Shiro had worked them hard, pushing the team to their wits end with round after round of drills and sparring and team building and bonding.  

"Well, at least we have until dinner to ourselves." Keith says, wandering in the direction of the bathrooms, "I'm gonna wash up, then come meet me in the lion's hangers, 'kay?"

"Alright, Blue's been whining all day anyway, she's itching for some activity, seeing as the Galra have been so calm lately." Lance sighs. 

"I guess taking the lions out would be a good excuse to, get some alone time," Keith suggests, nudging Lance, who grins despite himself.

"Yeah, it has been a while, huh Mullet?" Lance teases, hooking his pinky around Keith's after a quick scan of the hall.  Keith pulls his hand away, shooting Lance an apologetic look before mouthing 'soon' and walking off to go shower.  Lance shakes his head with a chuckle, heading off to tell the others of his plans of taking the lions out with Keith, before wandering into the hanger to wait for Keith.


Soon after Keith and Lance land their lions on one of seventeen moons orbiting the planet Allura had chosen to rest on for a while, they're sitting back against a lavender coloured boulder, Keith leaning against Lance's shoulder, their fingers entwined, hearts beating in sync with each other.  Keith looks over at Lance, who's staring off into the distance.  He admires the way Lance's hair curls behind his ears, the way the warm glow of this system's red dwarf star turns his caramel coloured skin to a honey brown.  Lance glances over at Keith, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What?  is there something on my face?" Lance asks, swiping at his face.  Keith chuckles, 

"Yeah," Keith leans forward, kissing Lance softly on the lips.  Lance grins as Keith pulls away.

Not so secret, secret.  A Klance FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now