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Hey, hope y'all liked the first part, I was focused on setting the scene and everything in the first bit, and I'm kinda making things up as I go, so I swear, it'll get fluffier later, and a bit angsty, and kinda frustrating.  My idea of a good love story (even fanfiction) is that it makes me want to strangle someone because of how frustrating it is.  In this case, the frustrating part will be revealed.  This will take place while Klance sleeps, from the control room. 

"looks like they're asleep now.  Adorable. " Pidge says, with a hint of sarcasm, from the control room, looking at the feed from her secret cameras placed strategically around Keith and Lance's room.  Hunk looks over her shoulder.

"I don't understand why you're so excited over this.  I feel bad that we lied to them.  Even worse that we're spying on them," Hunk says, glancing at the screens while pretending he's not.

"They brought this on themselves when they decided my workshop was the perfect makeout spot and broke my VERY IMPORTANT hardrive in the MIDDLE of an update on green.  They could have caused permanent damage to her!" Pidge says.  Shiro sighs from behind them.  Pidge had gone on the same rant five times now, about how she came back to a busted hardrive on the floor, and had when she checked the cameras, she saw none other than Lance pushing Keith up on her desk and knocking over the hardrive as they kissed.  Even though Pidge had been secretly wanting the two to be together, she was still pissed.

"Pidge, we know.  Just focus on making sure everything is set up properly instead of your hardrive." Shiro says, stopping the impending rant before it could begin.

"yes, Pidge, we must ensure that everything is running properly.  we do not wish to accidentally hurt them, no matter how much they may deserve it." Allura says, crossing her arms, the mice sitting on her shoulders. Hunk leans over to Pidge,

"what did they do to her?" Hunk asks worriedly.

"Well, she's mad they're hiding it for one.  but Keith and Lance used her hologram room to simulate earth for a date night.  They shut it all down and didn't break anything, but I guess she was mad that they used her safe place without asking first." Pidge says, shrugging as she types away at her laptop.

"And they broke one of the teludaves refractors!  It took me four vargas to find a new one!  granted, it was already cracked and I was asking them to take it to the disposal and they dropped it, but still!  It took a long time to make sure I cleaned up all the tiny shards!" Coran adds, sounding mildly insane as usual.

"okay, now that we all agree they deserve this, lets begin.  Turning the internal temperature of Keith's room to forty-five degrees celsius." Pidge says with a grin, tapping a few buttons on her laptop. "let the show begin"


Keith woke up hot.  not the usual being-next-to-Lance-who-is-a-literal-human-furnace hot, but uncomfortably, unbearably, hot.  He turns around to face Lance, who is still asleep, his arms wrapped around Keith's waist.

"Lance, Laaaaaance, Lance wake up.  wake uuuuuuppp." Keith groans, shaking Lance awake.

"huh?  Keith, what's wrong?" Lance mumbles, still half asleep, "and why's it so hot?  did I finally thaw your icy heart?" he teases, grinning at the rightfully grumpy boy in his arms.

"haha, very funny, but I think this is just the first drill." Keith says, sitting up.

"good morning paladins.  it appears we have flown too close to this system's star, and our heat shields are malfunctioning, you will have to deal with this heat until we can get it repaired in about one varga." Coran's voice says over the ship's intercoms.  Lance groans.

"just as I was having a good dream, they gotta turn up the heat a billion degrees." he grumbles, sitting up as well and leaning his head on Keith's shoulder.

"you're so clingy in the mornings, I swear.  come on, get up you idiot." Keith says, trying to push Lance off him.  Lance only clings tighter.

"whyyyyyyyy" he whines, burying his face in Keith's shoulder.

"because the cameras could be on, and you're a living furnace, it is way too hot for cuddling right now." Keith sighs, pulling away from Lance and standing up.  Lance grumbles, but stands as well.

"so, what are we gonna do today then?"  Lance asks, stretching.

"breakfast?" Keith suggests, walking towards the door.  he tries to open it, but it doesn't open when he touches the keypad. "um, Lance, the door's locked."

"is it?  It should open.  you're putting the code in right, right?"Lance asks, stepping closer to look over Keith's shoulder.  

"of course I am, it won't budge." Keith smacks the control pad, "come on, work!"

"hitting it won't do anything, Keith.  Shiro did warn us about random door malfunctions." Lance says, wandering back over to the bed and flopping down on his back.

"right, so I guess we're stuck for now." Keith says, wandering over and sitting on the edge of the bed. "it would be nice if it wasn't so damn hot in here."

"it's not so bad, really." Lance says, tugging off his shirt.

"if it's not so bad, why are you taking your shirt off?" Keith asks, admiring Lance out of the corner of his eye

"okay, it's a bit warm, but you don't mind, right?" Lance asks, sitting on the floor next to the bed and leaning back against it.

"not at all." Keith says with a slight smirk, leaning over the edge of the bed to kiss the top of Lance's head.  Lance smiles and looks up at Keith, their noses brushing.  He stays there for a moment before pressing his lips to Keith's gently.  Keith quickly kisses him back, chuckling slightly at the awkward angle. Lance shifts around so he's sitting facing the bed, sliding his hands to the back of Keith's neck, tangling his fingers in that mullet he so hated.  Keith pulls away, just enough to speak.

"hey Lance?"

"yeah babe?"

"Love you"

Lance smiles and kisses Keith again. "love you too, baby" he says with a chuckle.  Keith groans.

"stop it with the pet names, they make me sound soft." Keith complains, kissing him back.

"but you are soft.  All cuddly when you're upset, soft hair, soft lips, soft-" Lance starts, smirking.

"stop it" Keith interrupts with a groan.  Lance laughs and kisses Keith again.


back in the control room 

"are you getting this Shiro?!" Pidge exclaims, laughing at the video feed on her screen.  

"yes, Pidge, I am." Shiro says in a bored tone, looking at his own screen as Pidge laughs more.

"LALALALALAAAA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Hunk yells from the corner of the room, covering his ears.  Pidge snickers,

"Hunk, come on, this is funny!" She says, gesturing at her screen.

"well I'm sorry for being uncomfortable watching my best friend make out with his supposed enemy!" Hunk retorts, glaring at Pidge, who types away at her laptop, starting a screen recording of the video feed of Keith and Lance.

"let's see how they like cold now, huh?" Pidge says with a grin to rival any mad scientist.

Not so secret, secret.  A Klance FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now