Life update🫶🏼

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Hey there my beautiful people!!

So I just thought that I would give you guys an update on my life x
I'm slowly healing from a breakup with my ex gf of 1 year and 4 months. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating my books in a long time. I have a lot going on at work as well.
I'm working on my mental health right now and trying to get my spark back as well as getting back into my old healthy habits and running and skateboarding again. I got bitten by a cat at work today and ended up having to go to the hospital. So basically, we have one groomer in our store and you're supposed to have two people in the parlour when there's a cat, one to hold the cat while the other person grooms the cat. I'm very good with the dogs and cats that come into the store so our groomer asked me to help since I'm also not afraid of the pets we get in he parlour. We had a walk-in puppy before this appointment and I didn't even see them drop him off since I was helping another customer. So I go and help with the cat and she's very sweet. I've helped with her before and she's so cute and very calm but today the puppy was still there and hadn't been picked up so this was the first time Tinkerbell (the cat) has had another pet in the parlour while getting groomed. The puppy kept incessantly barking since he was put in a kennel away from the front of the parlour, which I assume he's never been put into a dog house or kennel or anything (please don't think im irrational) because he was very vocal about it. This pissed off Tinkerbell and she started growling while getting de-shed and then hissed which she doesn't normally do, so I obviously tried to calm her down by tickling her head which she kind of enjoyed. Then I put my arm underneath her head by her chest so that our groomer could brush her tummy. She loves this part on a normal day. I don't have my face anywhere near her but she saw me and tried to bite my face so I obviously pulled my face away right, and since she was still pissed off by the constant barking, she bit the next thing she saw which was my arm. When I realised she had bitten it the first time, I tried to pull my arm away but she got hold of it again and bit me once more before I got my arm free. She pretty much dug her canines 3/4 of the way into my skin. Then I needed to get a whole much of forms and things before going to the hospital to get it cleaned and a course of antibiotics. I might also have to go on Rabies meds if I don't get confirmation from the owner that she's up to date on her vaccinations which is great🫠🤦🏼‍♀️ when I got to the hospital, they had to take my blood sugar, weight and blood pressure before I could be seen. I found out that I weigh 54.6kg?!?! EXCUSE ME?!?! What the fuck? I have ALWAYS judged my body but now I don't think I can do that anymore since I need to start putting on my muscle so that I don't look so small anymore. I bought myself new workout shorts since I don't have any for summer and I had to get the EXTRA SMALL not even the small!!! Like damn!!🤯

This has become more of a rant about my day than anything else...
But I really loved my ex, but I lost myself during the relationship and I feel like what I'm about to say is going to sound selfish but I feel like I would rather lose someone I love than lose myself because I love someone.
I have been chatting to my sister (bff of 13 years) a lot more lately and we realised we haven't called in just over a year so it was absolutely lovely to catch up with her. I can feel myself slowly healing as each day goes on and my spark is coming back more and more.

Anyways... enough about me😂
How are you my lovelies? What's been happening in your life🫶🏼

Love you!!!!
Remember to eat and drink today!!💛

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