Chapter 1

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"JoJo! My usual please!" A loud voice shouts from across the room. Josie sighs as she prepares the drink. "You know, one of these days, I'm gonna make you pay for it." She hands Penelope the drink. "And one of these days, maybe you'll actually mean it when you say that." Penelope smiles as she takes a sip. Josie smiles as she shakes her head. "Why are you still working anyways? You own this place, make someone else do it." Penelope raises her eyebrow. "I know, but I like working. It keeps my days busy and what not." Josie wipes down the counter. Penelope shrugs. "Whatever you say, Saltzman."

The front door bursts open. "Jo! You won't believe who's in town!" Lizzie shouts as she runs to the counter. "Um, Mom and Dad?" Josie guesses. "I wish, no. Hope." Josie freezes. "JoJo?" Penelope waves her hand in front of her face. "You ok?" "Bitch, you better be joking," Josie tells her sister, ignoring Penelope. "Again, I wish. You know what? I say, we march in there, tie her up and force some answers out of her." Lizzie suggested. Penelope just stares at her. "I'm sorry, I'm confused. Who's Hope?" She asks. "My ex." "Her ex." Josie and Lizzie both answer. "Well, technically." Josie sighs. "Oh yeah, she never signed those divorce papers, did she?" Lizzie asks. Josie shakes her head. "No, the bitch. Then again, neither did i." She confesses. "Jo! What the hell?! She's been gone for years! You should have signed those and served them back to her." Lizzie shouts. "And i would have, if i knew where the hell she went."

"I know it's not my business, but maybe, just ask her where she's been?" Penelope suggested. "Oh no, oh hell no! I am not giving that bitch the time of day, she broke Josie's heart! She leaves in the middle of the night and left her with divorce papers, that weren't even signed either! What the hell?!" Lizzie shouts. "No note, no apology. No phone call. She changed her number. It's like she just dropped off the face of the earth, and now she's back? Just out of the blue?" Josie sighs as she packs up her things. "Well, i guess as long as she doesn't try and contact me, it doesn't matter." Penelope slowly raises her hand. "Um, sorry to burst your bubble boss but, technically speaking, you're still married to her. I'm sure she's bound to try and talk to you at one point or another." "Like hell she will! I'd like to see her try!" Lizzie threatened. "Can we just do this some other time please? I have somewhere to be, remember?" Josie stares at her.

"Oh, that's right. Can i come?" Lizzie asks. "No, i need you to close tonight." Josie sighs. "Aw, come on!" Lizzie whines. "Sorry sis. But you can sleep over tonight if you want?" Josie offers. Lizzie shrugs. "Maybe, let me ask MG and I'll let you know." Josie nods. "Ok, see you guys later!" Josie hurries to leave and drives off. She arrives at her mother's house. She walks up to the door and knocks. "Josie! You're early!" Caroline hugs her. "Really early!" Josie smiles and enters the house. "Yeah i know, i tried to get out of there quick." She walks in and smells food cooking. "Dad?!" "In the kitchen!" She walks in and sees Stefan and Andi cooking together. "Mommy!" Andi hurries to get down and runs to hug her. "Hey baby! How was Grandma and Grandpa's?" She kisses her head. "It fun!" Josie laughs as she picks her up. "Alright, well can you say goodnight?" Andi waves. "Goodnight!" "Goodnight sweetie, we'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Caroline hugs her tight.

Josie puts her in the car and heads home. Her mind is preoccupied with other things. Is it true? Is Hope really back? After all these years? Why now? And if she is back, why hasn't she tried to contact her? Has she forgotten all about her? She pulls up to the driveway and freezes. Maybe she hasn't. "Hope?" "Josie."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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