Chapter Seventeen

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*Zayn's POV*

I was sitting on the floor in the living room when Harry came in, hair wet and cleaning his glasses on the edge of his pajama shirt. I smile as sets his glasses on the table then lays down next to me. These past couple of days, he's taken refuge on the pullout couch next to me so Waliyha could sleep in his twin sized bed.

"Now, Harry. I need you to fall asleep as quick as possible. Got it?" I say while shutting the television off. Tomorrow morning, we leave for Disney and I already put Niall to bed two hours prior and Louis an hour before. The only reason Harry's on a regular schedule is because I know he'll be the most cooperative tomorrow. He can handle waking up shy a few hours of sleep.

"Papa, can I talk to you before I do sleep?" Harry whispers as I reach to shut off the lamp. I nod and lay back down. "I was um...I was thinking about that therapy thing you asked me to do. You know? For my anxiety?"

"Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I um...I wanna do it if that's okay, Papa," he smiles shyly.

"Really?" I grin. Liam and I have been asking Harry to do this for a while and to hear him say yes finally after all of these months makes me the most relieved I've been in a while. "That's awesome, Hazz."

"What? I can't do it anymore?" Harry frowns.

"No! It's not that! It's just...If you do it, you have to stay either here or with Daddy, you know? So you can go to all of the programs. But you don't have to-"

"I wanna stay with you," he immediately says.

"Harry, you don't want to think about that? I mean, if you do that then that means Lou and Niall will go see Daddy without you. You don't wanna...I don't know, it's up to you, buddy. But are you sure?" Though I'm ecstatic to at least keep one of my kids, I need him to be sure.

He nods at me. "Papa, I'm going so I can learn to be okay without Daddy. Right?"

"It's not just for that but-"

"You'll come with me, right?" Harry questions.

I sigh and nod. "Of course, Harry. I'll be at every appointment if that's what you want. Okay?" Harry grins. "I love you so much, Harry."

"I love you, too Papa. Let's go to sleep now, okay?" I smile and nod, giving him one last peck on the cheek before shutting off the light and cuddling close to him. "Night, Papa."

"Night, baby."






It's disastrous.

I had slept right through the alarm along with Harry and now we were thirty minutes late. I quickly rush the half asleep child up the stairs and tell him to brush his teeth then put on the clothes Aunt Waliyha laid out on his toy chest.

It was hard to wake up Waliyha and she had insisted on taking a shower so I have to let her into the master bedroom, that's still an absolute mess, and let her use that shower.

I have to change quickly in a Niall's room while waking him up, only for him to start sobbing. I groan as he screams in my ear but I change his clothes nonetheless and have him brush his teeth while Harry sits on the toilet and watches him while I go off to wake up Louis.

He blinks at me as I try to wake him up and as I'm trying to tell him to get ready, he looks up at me and says "No, I don't wanna go. I wanna stay here." and that turns into a giant battle because I basically have to force clothes on him as he cries and yells at me then hold him down as I brush his teeth for him.

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