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‹‹We will never remember their names. Nor did they give their lives to save ours. We won't know that they lived on the edge of their means so we wouldn't have to. We will not know that they loved, nor that they were afraid when they knew they would die. And they didn't want to die either. Not even that they didn't choose their destination.

While they will never be famous, they did make a difference. They will continue to mark it to protect us. While we have hated and feared them despite the fact that every day they try to save us without expecting anything in return.

We sleep peacefully, and they resign themselves to accepting that they will die to guarantee our survival in the universe. As long as our ignorance condemns them, they will silently fear their sacrifice, until they stop breathing, and their time is gone.

They will resign themselves to an existence in the shadows, afraid to love and be loved, because they know that, sooner or later, they are going to lose everything. And your wishes will be lost among so many questions that you will never have time to answer.

They are just vassals. Of existence, and of Death. And no matter how much we fear them, our world will continue to depend on them. Although no one knows and, perhaps, it no longer matters.

That is why we must accept the truth.

Let's assume that none of them chose this life, but they continue to fight while they remain here. Who have agreed to live together, even though they know that one day they will die alone. Let's assume that in order for us to survive, they accept perpetual war. Who embrace what leaves them broken. Who hide our contempt miles underground to try to make it disappear, but, even if it stops hurting for a moment, it always remains. Burning as much as the first time they smelled death. Let's assume that they feel, and cry, when no one sees them. Who, like us, are afraid that it will end. Who continue fighting despite everything. Even if they lost their best friend. Even if they are young, and all they want is to have a good time. Although those of us who owe them so much continue to reject them for it.

We must be braver than we ever were.

Do not forget that many are nothing more than young people who will have to live quickly, because they will never be old. Understanding that we don't know how difficult it is to keep fighting right now, while everything is going down the drain. While we, from our ignorance, continue trying to annihilate them. Even though every day they sacrifice themselves to save us all.

It just is.

We cannot allow them to continue enduring our contempt, instead of being supported in this fight.

We cannot resign ourselves and accept that their future, also our future, is broken.

Until now we have forced them to assume what many want to hear. That none of them make sense. That they do not belong to this world. When the reality is that they are as much a part of it as we are. That we have accepted that destiny no longer saves us because we are not heroes, but rather ephemeral beings under the firmament. And it seems that whoever tries to stop more is crazy.

But we can still choose.

We can fight alongside the only thing that separates us from the abyss, or allow that abyss to take over us, forever››

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