Chapter Ten

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THE NIGHT finally arrived, and darkness enveloped the sky.

Grey clouds rolled in, casting a somber mood as Alex settled into the couch—the couch that was all too familiar for her. She recalled the endless conversations Scott had with his friends and his mom while seated on that very spot.

Seeking comfort, she wrapped herself in a worn, plaid blanket she had found in Scott's hallway closet. The TV was already on in the background, playing a random channel they had stumbled upon. It was playing The Breakfast Club.

Alex gazed at the screen, reminiscing about the iconic movie and its eccentric characters. Suddenly, a thought struck her: What if she found herself transported into the Breakfast Club universe? A mixture of fear and excitement stirred within her as she pondered the possibilities.

As Alex was lost in her thoughts, Caleb took a seat in the armchair beside her, while Scott settled on the floor, his head leaned back against the couch where Alex sat. The soft glow of the TV illuminated their faces, each wearing a contemplative expression.

The tranquil atmosphere inside was abruptly interrupted as the storm finally arrived. Thunder rumbled in the distance, while raindrops began to pelt against the windows. The wind howled, creating a symphony of sounds that drowned out the movie playing on TV.

Amidst the chaos outside, Caleb and Scott instinctively turned towards Alex, checking if she had fallen asleep. Her eyes were fully shut, leaving nothing but the sound of her soft breathing.

Caleb sighed, internally praying that this would work.

Scott hung his head low, his arms rested on the edge of his knees, waiting and waiting for something to happen...


The storm eventually subsided, leaving behind a peaceful stillness that enveloped the room. The clock struck midnight, and the evening's events had taken their toll on Alex and Caleb, who had both fallen asleep—Alex on the couch, and Caleb in his armchair.

Scott, however, remained awake. He found himself seated on the floor, accompanied only by Derek. The dim glow of the TV cast a soft light on their faces as they sat in silence.

"It's quiet now, isn't it?" Scott finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

Derek nodded, a pensive expression on his face. "Yeah, storms have a way of bringing everything to a standstill."

Scott smiled faintly, glancing at his sleeping friends. "I'm glad we're all here together, though. It makes facing the storm a little less lonely."

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