☆chapter 1☆

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      ☆KINDERGARTEN part 1★

My alarm gos off , i slowly get up and turn it off

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My alarm gos off , i slowly get up and turn it off. I get on my feet and walk to my bathroom. I had a dream where everyone and everything looked at me and judged me.

"It was...weird..."

I said to myself, i sometimes like to talk to myself. I brush my teeth and hair, and i forgot in my dream that i had, some guy came behind me and stubbed me in the back...it was weird because it felt... real. I go to get charged, the girls always have to wear dresses and boys pants. Its strange in my opinion. I dyed my dress a light purple, normally the girl dresses are pink. My shoes are a light pink, as im done changing and putting my shoes on, i go to the kitchen to make some cereal. My mom and dad are divorced so i live with my dad.

"Today is the first day of hell"

I eat a bit of the cereal, its expired so it tastes like shit. The milk is old too, its been a bit since my dad went shopping so a lot of the food is expired and old. Some how im still alive. As im about to leave the house to go to the bus, i go to a little hole in the wall where a little rat lives and i give him a little bit of food.

"Here you go little guy"

The little rat ate a bit of the food, and then looked at me, then i heard a soft voice.

"Its now time for you to go, it'll be 13 years till i will see you again...good bye"

"W-wait...no i have questions...please"

and then the little rat's eyes had turned completely black, and i then next sound i know i got teleported to the bus stop.

"What...what the fuck..."

I look to my left side and i see someone  else standing there at the bus stop. They look like a...boy, i think. They have dark black hair but at the ends its purple. They seem to have green eyes and pale skin. They're wearing the boys uniform but it looks... a bit different. The shirt fades from blue to pink [pink on the bottom]

He then looked at me, i got a bit scared so i looked away, Then he spoke.

"Where did you come from?" He said in his calm voice.

I looked back at him, hes now a bit close to my face.

"O-oh...uhmm...magic?" I did not know how i got here.

He looked at me confused, he got closer to my face, now looking in my eye.


he... started laughing? When i thought he was confused, it was now me that was so confused.

"Omg, thats some bullshit. M-A-G-I-C. haha" he continued to laugh a bit.

J "Anyway magic girl, im Jake, and you?"

P "O-oh im P-Penelope..."

Then when we introduced ourselves, the purple bus arrived. And now its time to live through 13 years of fucking hell...

 And now its time to live through 13 years of fucking hell

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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