One Overthrown Ball | Chapter 1

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Hey, here's a new story I hope you enjoy! I loved Gravity Falls as a kid, and I have some ideas I want to try on this book, like the Reverse Falls, but Enjoy!


"Ahh... Summer break,"

We look towards a field where friends and family are having a picnic, the kids run around in circles, and the adults sit down and talk about what is going on in their lives.

???: "You want cheese on your burger, hun?"

???: "Sure, hun"

"A time for leisure, recreation, and taking her easy..."

The camera shows a sign on a cliff saying, "Welcome to Gravity Falls!"

"Well... Unless you're me,"

A golf cart then crashes through the said sign, revealing a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. Another boy in the back who looked to be the same age as them, wearing a yellow penny with an eye in the center, holding a lacrosse stick and helmet on his head, screaming as they sped away from some mysterious creature gunning it towards them, knocking down trees within its path as the girl looked back to see it was beginning to catch up with the three kids.

???: "It's getting closer!"

???: "Step on it!"

The creature, with its giant claws, then reached out towards them, missing the golf cart. The golf cart began doing weird maneuvers, and the beast chased them. The boy in the back was throwing stuff off the golf cart towards the giant creature in an attempt to slow it down, while the girl in the shiny purple sweater held her mouth as if she were about to puke.

Dipper: "My name is Dipper. The girl who is about to puke is my sister, Mabel, and the guy in the back is our new friend, Y/n. You maybe wonder what we are-"

He was then interrupted by Y/n, who stopped throwing stuff at the creature and faced Dipper.

Y/n: "Dipper! Stop narrating and step on it!"

Dipper: "Chill! I'm going as fast as this hunk of junk can go!"

The beast chasing them stopped as it picked up a tree straight from the ground with its roots and chucked toward the three kids and the golf cart.

The 3: "Huh!?"

The tree flew straight above the golf cart, crashing right in front of their path and blocking it.

Mabel: "Look out!"

The golf cart, still carrying its momentum, looked as if it were going to ram right into the tree but froze right before impact.

"Rest assured... There's a perfectly logical explanation...'

Earlier That Day With Y/n...

Mom: "Sweetie, Lacrosse season just ended, and you're going to practice?"

It then shows Y/n in his living room. He is wearing his yellow penny with the number 18 on the back, filling his gear bag with his cleats, helmet, and a few bottles of water while his mom looks on in worry.

Y/n: "Mom, I can't stop now, highschool is just around the corner, and I plan on making varsity,"

Mom: "I understand, sweetie, but it's still just one more year; you still have 8th grade, so why don't you know... Make some new friends? Get a summer job? Get a girlfriend?"

Summer Flipped Upside Down (M!Reader! X Gravity Falls)Where stories live. Discover now