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September 7th, 2022

OLIVIA ESTAPA rummaged around her already messy closet trying to find an outfit for her date with Rutger.

The blonde girl was nervous, but she was even more stressed that she couldn't seem to find the right outfit.

"EJ CAN YOU COME IN HERE PLEASE". Olivia called for her best friend. This was her last hope that Ella could help with finding her an outfit.

"Here try this". Ella said handing the blonde a white dress with somewhat of an open back.

"that looks amazing on you Livy". The brunette girl exclaimed with the biggest smile on her face.

"thank you EJ, you are a miracle worker". Olivia said hugging her best friend. Before sitting down at her vanity to do her hair and makeup.

The time was near 6:55 when Olivia was finished getting ready, the closer the clock ticked to 7 the more nervous she got.

When the clock showed 6:59 on the blondes phone, there was a knock at her door. Just the thought of knowing he was at her door made her feel all fuzzy inside.

The blonde opened the door to find Rutger standing there smiling with a bouquet of pink tulips.

"Hello beautiful". Rutger said smiling and handing the shorter girl the flowers. "Hi rut!" the girl said taking the flowers from him and setting them on her kitchen island.

"You look amazing liv." The brunette said leading the girl to the elevator of her apartment. "You don't look so bad yourself." The blonde teased. Olivia couldn't deny that she was very nervous especially because of Marks one rule he made for her. After one of his high school teammates broke his baby sisters heart.

"Malady" The much taller brunette gestured opening the passenger door of his jeep for the blonde girl. "thank you kind sir" Olivia spoke going along with Rutgers banter. The boy shut the door for her quickly making his way to the drivers side.

The car ride was calm, the two having small conversations about themselves. Olivia's nerves had slowly started to wear off and she was grateful for that.

A little over 20 minutes later the pair had made it to Detroit, where they would be having dinner.

When the two made it into the Italian restaurant, Rutger told the host that they had a reservation under his name. Soon they were being lead to their table for the evening.

"Rut this place is beautiful, how did you find it?" The blonde questioned staring at the boy infront of her

"When I first got down here before hockey started I was with my parents and they found this place. This is the first time i've been back here." The boy confessed smiling at the girl.

"Aw that's cute!" Olivia spoke. Rutgers story making her miss her parents and her brother in a way. Just always being together.

"What do you think you're going to order?" Rutger asked the girl looking at his own menu as well.

"Probs just the Alfredo" Olivia was one to stick to foods she knew she liked just in case. "Yes do that it's really good" Rutger said back to her, ultimately agreeing he was going to get that as well.

For the next hour or so, the two just made conversation with the occasional laugh or smile at the other.

When it was time to pay the bill, Olivia argued with Rutger about paying for her half of it. But he wouldn't budge. Arguing that he was the one who asked her on the date. Which is true but she still felt bad.

The pair had made it back to Olivia's apartment, standing outside of the door. "Thank you for tonight." Olivia said looking up at Rutger who was already looking at her.

"You're very welcome Liv." Rutger exclaimed winking at the girl as a joke. Also pulling her into a hug. Inhaling in her Vanilla aroma. "Goodnight Olivia Estapa." The boy said before he laid a kiss on the girls cheek.

"Goodnight Rutger Mcgroarty" The girl smiled at him once more before going into her apartment.

hello!! sorry that I have been a little
MIA but i'm back now! schools
kicking my butt rn... I hope you guys
enjoyed this chapter

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