"Lucifer moaned like a b*tch"

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Lucifer wasn't attracted to men. As far as he knew, he was only ever interested in women. Although he did only love one woman. But it doesn't seem like she's coming back any time soon.

But recently, he's been feeling this blooming feeling in his chest when a certain radio static sinner was close to him. It was worse when he fought with him, because when they would get in each other's faces, despite his rage towards him, something fluttered inside him, and his wings begged to do the same.

Soon enough, the feeling began to consume him. His thoughts, his actions...his words. He began to isolate himself, so that no one can see it, or so he wouldn't experience it again. He hated feeling this way. This will not be an enemies to lovers situation, he refuses.

One day, there was a knock at the door. He was hesitant to answer it, but knew he had to. So he prepared himself.

It was only Charlie.

"Hey dad," she said sympathetically. "Can I come in?" "Of course," he said, letting her in. After shutting the door, she asked, "Are you okay? I haven't seen you around lately, I'm getting worried." He sighed. How does he tell his daughter he's avoiding having feelings for the Radio Demon?

"Charlie..." he looked into her eyes, then looked down. "Nothing is wrong. Not necessarily. There's just...something I'm realizing and...I don't particularly like it." He rubbed his arm, visibly uncomfortable. Charlie responded by putting a hand on his shoulder in comfort, "It's okay dad. Whatever it is, I'll listen. You can tell me anything."

He stared into her earnest eyes, nearly tearing up. He wants to tell her. There's a need to tell her, to get it off his chest. But should he? "I-I don't know," he looked away.

"Dad," he looks back at her. "Please." His heart broke. He must be causing her to really worry. He keeps forgetting it's her job to worry, not so much his anymore because of the hotel. He doesn't want to cause her stress over something as trivial as this.

"I-I..." he shut his eyes and took a breath. "I'm starting to...have feelings for... Alastor." He looked back up at her to see her holding her hands over her mouth with big puppy eyes. Oh no.

"The guy still gets on my goddamned nerves, he's so infuriating! So why do I keep getting this feeling in my chest? Even when I want to murder him..."

Charlie pulls him into a hug, saying, "Dad, that is wonderful." When she pulls away she adds, "Look at me. Don't ignore that feeling. Embrace it. You'll only torture yourself if you don't. That's just a fact. I know you don't want to because you still hate him, but you'd be much better off just admitting it to yourself."

He takes a second, looks down at his hands, then closes his eyes. He balls up his fists, and takes a breath, "I'm in love with Alastor." She squeaks, jumping up and down. She hugs him once more, smooshing their cheeks together, "I'm so proud of you!" He only laughs nervously.

He hated saying it, it sounded so off-putting. But she's never wrong. Admitting it to himself has made him feel a lot better. He's still not happy about it though.

When she pulled away, he told her, "I'm just gonna need some time. To let it all sink in." "Of course, take all the time you need." She left with a smile.

Lucifer spent more days holed up in his room. As the days went on, having very little interaction with the deer when eating with the group before returning to his room, his feelings only blossomed. He began finding him very attractive, and wondered if he had a tail. He cursed himself for allowing his heart to beat so loudly when in his presence. This caused their fighting to stop.

He wanted to be embraced by him. He desired to be closer, to hear that radio static covered voice to whisper huskily in his ear. He normally had to force lustful thoughts aside to avoid getting a boner in front of everyone else. That Angel guy would definitely notice.

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