the knight and the dragon (Dan heng x durandal reader)

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(third pov)

the trains lounge was unusually silent today no one was there expect a girl with light blonde hair and a white strike in it, she was silently looking outside seeing how the beautiful stars shine so brightly, she was in utter amazement.

the girl didn't notice that a certain boy who is the high elder of the vidyadhara sat in front of her as she was looking outside towards the star filled sky a small smile gracing her lips, she was in her own little daze.

the boy fake cough and the girl flinch noticing the presence of another person she smile at him and said "ah Dan heng sorry sorry for not noticing you there" the boy now known as Dan heng nod in acknowledgement.

the girl soon notice the boy was in his vidyadhara form, the girl gave a confused look while the boy also stare at her 'it must be because he was in xianzhou and just came back' the girl thought and nod to herself.

the both of them started staring at each other, soon it turn into a staring contest. the girl after a long time finally blink, Dan heng smirk slightly while the girl sigh and spoke again.

"so why are you in your vidyadhara form?" ' lets ask to be sure' the girl told herself the boy relax and said "just ignore it" the girls lips twitch a little and she nod "yea...sure" 'he must have has his reason' the girl mutter to herself and went back to look outside the window towards the vast galaxy filled with stars 'it's really so peaceful's a nice change of pace even though how it feels kinda empty without march 7th's endless gossips' the girl smile a little thinking about a certain pink haired girl.

Dan heng stare at the girl with a look of....admiration and something...more than that.

the girl soon notice the awkward air and internally sigh with an uncomfortable look. 'this is so awkward.....I want to jump inside a hole and never come back'

the girl cough and look at Dan heng.
" is it going on xianzhou? any news?" "nope just the normal" "you must have missed being there right?" "not.....really but yes" the girl chuckle and nod

"sure sure....but like i- we missed being with you again Dan heng it was really not fun without you not being here to join our adventures"the girl said with a big smile cursing herself for nearly saying she missed him.

Dan heng was in a daze seeing the girls beautiful smile how there are suddenly sparkles and how her hair gently sawy with her movements and the most important.....her smile it was just...beautiful no words could describe her beauty it really made something stir inside him seeing her smile at him like this he wished she could smile like this always.

everyone describe her as the 'knight' she always came to protect everyone like a knight fighting with her lance and the horse she rode on, her fiery eyes while fighting, her stone like expression while fighting without winning. but her beauty also made her like a queen her kindness,diligence and gentle nature, caring for the others. she was just so...perfect.

Dan heng snap out of his train of thoughts when the girl tap his shoulder and then he notice how close their faces were how her scent was so...intoxicating to smell, how her face was scrunch in worry and how her ches- *slap*.

Dan heng snap himself from going more deeper into thoughts and the girl flinch when he slapped himself out of nowhere "Dan heng! why did you do that?!" the girl said in worry looking at the red print in his face with worry Dan heng cough awkwardly a blush adorn his cheeks.

"it's nothing to worry durandal, I am fine....and forget about why I slap myself" durandal nod hesitantly and went back to sit on her side she squirm on her sit with an uncomfortable look and sigh Dan heng noticing it have a slight confuse look.

"is there something that is bothering you?" durandal flinch and shook her head "no it's just...just" "just?" "just that...the area seems so silent and....awkward I miss march 7th constant chatter and himeko Intending to chat with me or the trailblazer (male mc) trying to flirt with me or pompom asking me to help them" I sigh.

"I regret on not going with them now" Dan heng smile slightly and nod "me too even if I am not talkative and like calm places seeing the train so silent it is quite uncomfortable for anyone who is used to the everyday hustle bustle here" durandal chuckle and nod.

"but I say am I not a good company?" Dan heng lean towards durandal who flinch when their shoulders touch and a small blush formed on her cheeks.

"it''s not that I hate your company or be honest I really like your company even how awkward it feels (Dan heng eye brow raised and durandal chuckle) but, all in all I will never want to let any other have your attention other than me" durandal grab his cheeks and gave a chaste kiss on his forehead and blush a little giving him a close eye smile.

Dan heng was shocked and soon a small smile made it's way to his lips durandal cough awkwardly and said "sorry about the....sudden kiss...I must have made you uncomfortable's very out of my character too so I give a very deep apology" durandal bow down her head respectfully cursing herself in the head for acting so out of character and now the environment became more awkward because of her.

Dan heng look at her bowed form and sigh shaking his head he then hesitantly put his hand on her head and rub it gently durandal flinch at the sudden touch and look at him with a confused yet flustered look Dan heng give a small smile saying "it's nothing to be so worked up about and...I didn't hate the kiss in fact...I liked it" Dan heng now had a small blush in his face and retract his hands back looking away with a slight redness in his cheeks.

durandal blink and soon kneel in front of him in one of her knees while she put one hand (the left one) in her chest and her other hand in front of his face durandal had a face she only makes while fighting; a determine face eyes flaring with only one thing and it being determination as she looked at Dan heng in the eye the words she spoke next left the boy speechless and flustered "dan heng.....your a special precious person to me even though everyone of the astral express is precious to me but....your the different precious; I hope to always protect you...and I like to always have your attention on me and I, durandal; bianka ataegina shall promise to always cherish you to keep only you in my heart and ever since I saw you for the first time I thought of you as a friend a special one i ignored tgr feelings stiring inside of me when i first saw you and as the time went by my feelings started to grow it begun to be noticeable to me just how...precious and important you have become to me and when in the day I saw the stellaron hunter purge you with his sowrd.....I thought i have lost you but when I saw you turning into a dragon I was so happy that you weren't dead if you really died.......I don't know what would I have done....and at that moment I started to recognise my feelings for you so.....would you accept my feelings and maybe....reciprocate them?"

durandal was very anxious but she didn't let that be shown and still kept her determine face trying to conceal herself she shouldn't let herself be down by her negative thoughts and should embrace it if he rejects her, she closed her eyes waiting for his response.

Dan heng was speechless at her confession and look at durandal with an unreadable face soon he slowly places his hand on top of her and when she feels a warm feeling on her hand she opens her eyes wide Dan heng chuckles slowly and says with a smile "then I shall be in your care...please take very great care of me,my knight"

"as you dragon"


so how was it? it's my first one shot ever so please tell me if you like it or not! for now bye~!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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