Chapter 24: The truth of my life

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The cacophony of camera shutters reverberated through the air as Seungcheol emerged from the car, his entourage of bodyguards swiftly encircling him, forming a protective barrier against the fervent fans who seemed poised to tear him apart with their adoration.



The echoes of cheers cascaded around him as Seungcheol offered a gentle smile to his dedicated fans before making his way inside the venue. Each step he took felt like a drumbeat, his heart pulsating with anticipation. Today marked a pivotal moment, the day when he would lay bare all his secrets to those who had stood by him through thick and thin.

Would they accept him still, unchanged in their affection? Or would they recoil upon discovering the ordinary truths of his existence, his life outside the limelight? The uncertainty gnawed at him as he pondered what lay ahead.

"Are you prepared for this?" Seungcheol looked up, meeting the gaze of his manager, and with a solemn nod, he signaled his readiness as the backstage crew busied themselves setting up the microphone, the stage now set for the revelation to come.

His manager nodded as he handed him a bottle of water and a candy to calm his nerves.

"Are you really, really sure you want to do this?" The question haunted Seungcheol, his fists clenched as he stared at the crowd sitting outside, waiting for him. He felt as though he were betraying them, had been betraying them for years now, and would betray them further if he didn't confess.

"Yes," Seungcheol said, as Jeonghan and Hanuel's faces came to his mind, the only two people he actually cared about right now. He knew he might sound selfish to even think that, but alas, he was a human being.

"I want the world to know that I have these two special humans who manage to brighten up my day even in the most sad times," Seungcheol said as he gave the manager back the water bottle and walked up to the stage.

Jihyo took her seat across from Seungcheol, adjusting her notes before starting the interview.

"Seungcheol, your fans are eagerly awaiting your announcement tonight. Can you share with us what you've decided to reveal?"

As Seungcheol sat beside Jihyo, awaiting the moment to reveal his truth, a storm of emotions raged within him. His throat felt heavy, as if each word he wanted to utter was weighed down by the burden of his confession. He stole a glance at the audience, the same fans whose unwavering support had lifted him to the heights of success when his first series was released.

The memory flooded his mind, the flood of messages, the outpouring of love and encouragement that had bolstered his spirits. But now, as he sat poised to divulge the truth he had kept hidden for so long, he couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that gnawed at him from within.

For years, he had lived a facade, presenting himself as the idol his fans adored, while concealing the reality of his personal life. The thought that he had deceived them, that he had betrayed their trust, weighed heavily on his conscience.

But amid the turmoil, there was a glimmer of hope. A flicker of courage ignited within him as he thought of Jeonghan and Hanuel, the two individuals who had stood by him through thick and thin. Their love had sustained him, giving him the strength to confront his fears and face the truth head-on.

And so, with a resolve born of love and determination, Seungcheol squared his shoulders and prepared to lay bare his soul to the world. Whatever the consequences, whatever the judgment, he knew that he could no longer bear the weight of his secrets in silence. It was time for the truth to be known.

Seungcheol took a deep, trembling breath, his gaze shifting from Jihyo to the camera, each lens capturing the weight of his revelation. "I've decided it's time to be transparent with my fans," he confessed, his voice steady despite the torrent of emotions raging within him. "I have a son named Hanuel, and a partner, Jeonghan."

As the words left his lips, the once bustling crowd fell silent, the air thick with anticipation and disbelief. Seungcheol felt his heart hammering against his ribcage, his fists clenching at his sides as he struggled to maintain his composure.

"Yes," he continued, his voice quivering slightly. "I have a son. His name is Hanuel." Seungcheol lifted his gaze, meeting the eyes of his fans, their expressions ranging from shock to confusion.

"He's in fourth grade," Seungcheol shared, a soft smile gracing his lips as he reminisced about his beloved son. "Hanuel has brown hair that falls over his eyes, just like mine, and his eyes are as dark as night. He loves reading books about animals with Jeonghan and enjoys baking, even though his cookies never turn out quite as expected. But he's still learning."

Seungcheol's voice wavered as he spoke, the memories of Hanuel flooding his mind like a tidal wave. "He attends Naver High School and has a friend named Jerry, aside from Chan, of course."

Tears welled in Seungcheol's eyes as he continued, the weight of his confession bearing down on him like a leaden burden. "He... he's my whole life. I'm sorry for keeping this hidden from all of you," he admitted, his voice thick with emotion. "I understand if you feel betrayed... because in reality, I've been betraying my son by avoiding him."

A shuddering breath escaped Seungcheol as he looked directly into the camera, his gaze unflinching. "I never truly understood the depth of my love for Hanuel until Jeonghan came into my life," he confessed, his voice breaking with raw emotion.

"Jeonghan... he's the reason I can face each day with courage," Seungcheol declared, tears streaming down his cheeks as he spoke. "His gentle voice reassures me that everything will be okay, his tender touch lulls me to sleep when the world becomes too overwhelming, and his unconditional love fills the emptiness in my heart."

Seungcheol's voice cracked as he wiped away his tears, his trembling hand shaking with emotion. "I love Jeonghan and my son, Hanuel," he declared, his words echoing with the sincerity of a man laying bare his soul.

"Their smiles brighten my darkest days and make me forget my worries," Seungcheol admitted, his voice choked with emotion. "And because you, my fans, hold the same importance in my life, I felt it was only right to share this with you. I didn't want you to hear it from some random media source. I wanted you to hear it from me."

Seungcheol rose from his seat, his cheeks stained with tears, as he bowed deeply to the crowd. "I love my son and Jeonghan," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "And I ask for your respect and understanding as I navigate this new chapter of my life."

With a heavy heart and tear-filled eyes, Seungcheol descended from the stage, leaving behind a stunned audience grappling with the weight of his revelation. But amidst the shock and uncertainty, there lingered a profound sense of admiration for the courage and vulnerability of the man who had bared his soul for all to see.



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